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Recent content by ColoradoGuy

  1. C

    Warden AC Gimped Defender ?

    You're also a little low. At level 8 your AC should be: 10 + 4 (1/2 level) + 5 (CON/WIS mod) + 3 (hide) + 2 (enhancement bonus). That's 24 or 23 if you have only +1 armor.
  2. C

    D&D 4E The Indispensable 4e

    In addition to all that's been mentioned above: 1. Team-based play: the party is a team with different roles that need to work together or you end up with probable TPK. No more of you need two specific classes and the rest are filler. 2. Interactive powers: you do something that someone else...
  3. C

    The Sky is Not Falling

    Thrilled he's gone--didn't like 3e, didn't like his ideas for Next. I do think the sudden release of the playtest is damage control over his departure but unless the rules have changed mightily since I last saw them about two months ago, I think it's gonna bomb.
  4. C

    Race bonus looks like its going to suck :P

    It's +1/-1 to two specific stats due to race and +1 to stat from class.
  5. C

    Suggest Your "Rule of Three" Questions for Next Week (4/17)

    4e made teamwork and party play the main factor in winning an encounter by having different roles, balancing classes, conditions other characters can take advantage of, and out-of-turn powers to influence actions by or on other characters. So far nothing has been said about keeping this...