Recent content by ConnorSB

  1. ConnorSB

    OSR [Shameless Plug for a free thing] The Dreams of Ruin, a 236 pg OSR sourecebook, is now free for download!

    You can find it here: The Dreams of Ruin is a 236 page roleplaying game sourcebook, initially published in pdf format. Its author is Geoffrey C. Grabowski, developer of the first two editions of Exalted, as well as a writer for dozens of RPG...
  2. ConnorSB

    OSR New OSR Supplement by Geoffrey C Grabowski (Exalted) will be launching soon, free for personal use is the main page. It's a 224 page book, initially published as a PDF, discussing the introduction of an evil magical forest into one's campaign. Full disclosure - I'm helping Geoff launch it. It's a pretty cool project - the blog has all kinds of teasers...
  3. Holy Water Flow Rate.png

    Holy Water Flow Rate.png

  4. ConnorSB

    What grid are you gaming on?

    For my last game I took a 4x6 ft table and a 4x8 ft table, both of which I had found on craigslist, and actually just took a fat sharpie to them and gridded them off into 1" squares. It made eating dinner a little TRONish, but it was awesome for gaming. Half the time I would lay down map tiles...
  5. ConnorSB

    Warlord build

    I would go for Viper Strike over Wolf Pack Tactics. One might note that the effect on viper's strike does not rely on an actual hit. With the number of monsters that use "you get a free shift when xyz happens" type abilities, it's really useful to say "oh, wait, no, you still get attacked, by...
  6. ConnorSB

    Cliche action scenes from films--a list

    Well there's always the classic "rediculous but creepy villian throwaway line that simultaniously fills a plot hole and creeps you out" - e.g. Hannibal Lecter: "What happened to the guard?" "I ate him."
  7. ConnorSB

    Sin City

    Berador, your avatar and special name thing rock my world. Yes, I did spot Tarentino, but thats only because I had just watched Pulp Fiction (so i knew his face) and also, because I'm quick like a fox...
  8. ConnorSB

    Sin City

    And yes, Manute (The big black guy with the gold eye) is central to a few of the other stories in the series (most notably "A Dame To Kill For", which was originally going to be included in Sin City, but was pushed back into the second movie) Oh yah. they are almost definitly doing a second...
  9. ConnorSB

    Sin City

    Well the movie is based on a series of graphic novels that all take place in the same city, Basin City, and sometimes include the same characters and locations. There are, if I recall correctly, seven full length novels, and one shorts (like, three to ten pages) collectoion. The movie is just...
  10. ConnorSB

    a belated Angel thread : Conner, wtf?

    I liked Connor a whole lot. And its not just because we share the same name... and I've always wanted to have superpowers...
  11. ConnorSB

    Movies everybody saw, but you

    I never saw Blaire Witch Project.
  12. ConnorSB

    Great Villain Showdown: The Final Match! [The Winner is..]

    Its the V to the A to the DER Reconstructing the death star, with my slick swade suite thats black like tar F'ing you up no mater who you are. Yah... you know my feelings on this.l
  13. ConnorSB

    [Aug] What Are You Reading?

    Right now I'm rereading Spider Robinson's Lady Slings the Booze, the second book in the Calahan's Lady part of the Calahan books. On deck is "In Conquest Born" by CS Friedman. I read one of her other books before, "Black Sun Rising," which is actually the first of a series, but I never bothered...
  14. ConnorSB

    Truely Scarriest Horror Movies Ever?

    Alien The first time I saw this, I was maybe twelve. And no one had told me about the alien life cycle. So when they are all in the infirmary and IT POPS OUT OF HIS CHEST... oh god it took me minutes to stop screaming.