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Recent content by Crazy Hedgehog

  1. C

    Role-playing Games in Libraries

    Hey, thanks very much for all the replies. Haven't had a chance to monitor this thread as closely as I would have liked and to respond to all your comments. I agree, from my own experience rpg gaming can get fairly loud and boisterous, and has at times included mock sword fights, dancing, and...
  2. C

    Role-playing Games in Libraries

    Hi there, I’m a librarian based in the UK as well as an avid role-player, and am currently conducting some research on behalf of our library service. I’m looking at how local libraries and gaming groups can support each other, and what types of gaming materials might be appropriate for local...
  3. C

    Do you tell pretty girls that they're pretty?

    I thought I was the only one. Wow, wish I had come across this thread a couple weeks ago. Normally, I think compliments are great, everyone needs encouragement and I've seen a compliment really improve someone's day/emotions. Now, I'm mostly talking about personality or intellect or similar...
  4. C

    SCOTLAND - Heroes of the Northeast

    Hail Heroes of the Northeast! I'm looking for D&D players to meet regularly in the Fraserburgh/Buchan area. Happy to be a player or a DM. Have several campaign ideas, but am looking for players! If interested, email at: thecrazyhedgehog@hotmail.com
  5. C

    Looking for Help - Constructing Constructs

    Hey thanks Scott, that helps a lot. I really enjoy your site by the way; I never really got a chance to get into AD&D, but I have a lot of the old Dungeon magazines. Some of the modules I'm just dying to play, but without your site I wouldn't have a clue what a lot of the monsters were...
  6. C

    Looking for Help - Constructing Constructs

    Hi I was wondering if some more experienced D&Ders could help explain the construction rules for constructs. I'm not a keen magic item creator, and I'm having trouble seeing how rules in the Monster Manual reconcile with the rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide. I tried to reverse-engineer the...
  7. C

    World Building Help - Finding the Lost Continent

    Yeah, I thought that book was pretty interesting, that and "1421" by Gavin Menzies about the idea of the Chinese sailing around the world. Joining a history book club was one of my best investments ever. Really, I think I get all my best fantasy ideas from history books. Thanks everyone for...
  8. C

    World Building Help - Finding the Lost Continent

    Wow, great ideas. The reason why it's "forgotten" as opposed to never heard of, is because it was originally settled by people from the "Known World" ages ago. There used to be a mighty civilization, but it got wiped out in a cataclysm, Atlantis-style. A lot of land was swept away as well...
  9. C

    World Building Help - Finding the Lost Continent

    I'm looking for some help with expanding my game world. I was wanting to introduce a "Forgotten Continent" into the setting, I suppose similar to Taladas in the Dragonlance Setting. Almost as technologically advanced as the realms the PCs come from originally, but the respective cultures have...
  10. C

    Airship questions (Eberron and otherwise)

    I have "Airships" by Bastion Press, and compared to AA I think it is the better buy. However, if you go strictly by the rules presented, then designing your own airships is a lot of work. Expensive as well. If you're just wanting some guidelines or rules for combat, I remember Dragon Magazine...
  11. C

    The Official Welcome Thread

    I've been watching this website a long time, finally decided to post. I'm a library studies student in rural Scotland, though originally from Southern California - it's cold here!! Not many opportunities to roleplay in person, though I'm currently in a couple games at Playbyweb.com - check out...