• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by daichiasuka

  1. daichiasuka

    Should Zero Level be part of the regular rules?

    I've been in one campaign over the years where we started play at "level 0." While I see how it could be interesting, my particular experience was tedious and boring. i kept waiting for the session to be over so we could be level one fr the next session. I don't think it needs to be there and...
  2. daichiasuka

    What's your favourite alignment?

    Same here.
  3. daichiasuka

    You and Your Characters: Gender and Sexuality

    I've honestly never really thought about it. As a DM I am a little bit of everything, obviously, but as a player I can honestly say I don't think I have ever rolled a female character. Now that you've made me realize this, I... wow. Yeah, I never have. My head hurts a little. I guess my next...
  4. daichiasuka

    How Do You Prefer To Buy Your RPG Products?

    Most B&M near me are really comic book stores that have a few random books for different systems. I end up buying almost everything online. Although I do prefer the physically book, I tend to buy PDF versions mostly due to the cost and then I print whatever I need. This is becoming less and...
  5. daichiasuka

    Have you bought a third-party product in the last year?

    War of the Burning Sky
  6. daichiasuka

    WotBS Fantasy Grounds 2 Version of WotBS

    Are these still available post-hack? I'm having trouble locating them.
  7. daichiasuka

    Some notes on Spam Control & New Users

    Agreed. :) Seriously though, these are required in this day and age.