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Recent content by Dan R.Stevenson

  1. D

    Does anyone know if Gary Gygax ever posted the history of TSR leading up to D&D

    Does anyone know if Gary Gygax ever posted the history TSR leading up to D&D? What I am talking about is the the days before D&D took off when he and TSR were a struggling company. I for one one would like to read that. I would also like to know what they were thinking when no one at first was...
  2. D

    Attention German Speakers

    I am working on pulp WW 2 campaign and need help with some authentic sounding German names for different military titles and phrases. Sort of an alternative history and reality campaign with a good bit of authenticity. 1) What would 1940's era Germans call a genetically re-engineered soldier...
  3. D

    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    Are you sure its walking pnemonia. Thats what I thought I had in march 05' and it turned out to be congestive heart failure. I had difficulty breathing and was tired all the time. I finally broke down and went to the emergency room where they said my blood pressure was 270/120 the intern...
  4. D

    What would you like to see in a WW2 era pulp rpg

    What would you like to see in a pulp WW2 era rpg? Sci-fi influences? Nazi ocultism? Alternative hisory? or something completly different?
  5. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    I am starting to lean towards having the French and British link up somewhere on the French coast. Some of the missions will involve collecting supplies for the journey others will involve locating the boats to get them to Spain. Once in Spain they will have to locate suitable transportation and...
  6. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    Does anyone in UK have any information on territorial army bases near cities? I was thinking of having the English survivors holding out in a secured barracks. Secured with barbed wire, land mines, claymores (Not the swords...LoL), and of course fixed posistions on the roof of the barracks. The...
  7. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    I was more or less looking for police, military, and national guard armories in Spain and France
  8. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    I have posted this to find other ideas to the scenario. Right now I have. 1) Drive to Spain. 2) Take a boat to Spain. 3) Stay put and wait out the winter and hope the crazies freeze to death. 4) Make it to the countryside in either Wales or Scotland. The nations might have collapsed but the...
  9. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    The infection happened so fast they were not able to prepare for it. The infected are smart enough to smash a tin can until it opens to get food so they have been feeding on the canned food in the stores. The survivors have been looting food from some dock and wholesale warehouses. Everytime...
  10. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    The infected are pretty much psychotic with limited intelligence. They know where to find food, use a club, pry locked doors open, and have limited communication skills. The streets are full of them. They no longer attack the character's stronghold but lurk around the edges of the primature...
  11. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    Any suggestions on defendable locations in the UK and in France? These areas would have to be walled and near abundant water. They would also need areas that could be used to warehouse food, ammunition, fuel, and water. The number of survivors is around 170 people including military forces.
  12. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    A plague that causes homicidal rage has started in United Kingdom. It spread fast infecting 98% of the population. It quickly spread to France then to the rest of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Small pockets of uninfected survivors have managed to make it thanks to the protection of military...
  13. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    That would work if it was a handful of survivors. But in the adventure has at least 200 survivors in both France and England. Each group of survivors only have 25+ of professional military and police to serve as security. But, I would put the option of an advance team that would travel to Spain...
  14. D

    Post Apocalypse Travel From England to France then to Spain

    I am coming up with ideas for a post apocalypse adventure that takes place in Europe. The Apocalyptic event is sort of like the rage plague from 28 days later but the victims retain some limited intelligence. The characters are British survivors who have made contact with French survivors and...
  15. D

    Attention German Speakers, I need Some Help

    Stalker - Schleicher (I'd need some context for a better translation) As like a stalking beast. Grass Blind - (I'd prefer some context here, the following assumes a blind for a window) Gras-Vorhang. Grass blind such as not being able to see due to very tall thick grass, a slang term that would...