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Recent content by DancingSatyr

  1. D

    11 Campaign Settings

    Somewhere, someone is playing their first fews games in a simple dungeon, near a town in the middle of nowhere....and they are having the time of their lives. Cliche' only happens when you stop having fun.
  2. D

    2 Ways To Abandon Roles

    I could not agree more with both this statement, and the quote about the "Soul of D&D". Epic, and well said!
  3. D

    How Important is the D&D Brand?

    If Paizo could buy the brand someday, fine. But right now they are getting my money hand over fist anyway. I love D&D, but I just didn't care for 4th edition ( I'm not trying to flare up the edition wars so peace folks! ) I would love to see what a company with passion for games like Paizo get...
  4. D

    Anyone fooled by gargoyles anymore?

    Just have a Gargoyle come running out of a cave with a severed, partially chewed Orc head. No subterfuge, just a nasty brawl. If your players have ever ran a character past 5th level, they've probably fought a Gargoyle and hence lost all trust of dubious statuary. Metagaming is killing...
  5. D

    Steal This Rule: Fighting Colossal Creatures

    Does the mosquito have a + 5 flaming Human-Bane probiscus? Then you could have a problem :)
  6. D

    You're doing what? Surprising the DM

    At one point I seriously considered giving up being a DM for the exact opposite reason. No matter what I wrote, or how much time I took out of my life as a single father ( the kids living with me ), I couldn't get my players to even keep track of who's turn it was! Let alone, use any sort of...
  7. D

    D&D 5E D&D Next will succeed or die on the basis of its digital apps.

    In my opinion, tech has always been more distraction than help at the table. I can't deny how helpful gaming tools have been in constructing adventures in the past, but when I run a game, I want to see faces. I don't want to see people rolling their dice on cutsy little apps, or cracking open...
  8. D

    Planning some desert encounters...

    Random mastaba/crypt with ( no mummies, I promise ) Manscorpion druid with a few Manscorpion rangers adjusted accordingly. Throw in a mummy red herring, as in making the the tomb appear to have been abandoned while in the process of creating mummies for this actual tomb. This way you give the...
  9. D

    6 Ways to Force Stuff on your Players

    I think Ravenloft was created for gamers like these.