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Recent content by Darth Krzysztof

  1. Darth Krzysztof

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Might be worth a shot Poetry for beta keys How many replies?
  2. Darth Krzysztof

    What do you miss from the good ol' days?

    Four things above all: Clyde Caldwell Jeff Easley Larry Elmore and especially the late, great Keith Parkinson. Don't get me wrong, I like the new art, but when I think about D&D -- which, needless to say, is a lot -- their stuff is what I'm seeing.
  3. Darth Krzysztof

    Are you worried about character conversion from 3.E-4.E?

    As long as there are ability scores, races, and classes that have -some- resemblance to what we have today, I don't mind scrapping all the other details and rebuilding. Plus, I didn't end my world when the last edition came out. It might be fun to blow it up now.
  4. Darth Krzysztof

    Artist Keith Parkinson passes away

    I'm simply devastated to hear this. Like many of you, I always thought that Parkinson was the best of the Fab Four. His work really defined what D&D--heck, what fantasy in general--meant to me. His dragons, in particular, were always my favorites. I only met him once, at a convention in 1990 or...
  5. DemonKnight.jpg


  6. Parkinson.jpg


  7. Darth Krzysztof

    [Dungeon] Top 30 Greatest Adventures Discussion (Spoilers)

    X2 Castle Amber-TWO sequels? Well, I didn't have many quibbles with the list. Mine would have included Treasure Hunt and the Bloodstone Quartet, but oh well. In the entry for X2 Castle Amber, John Rateliff mentions that the module spawned "not one, but two sequels." I know about Mark of...
  8. Darth Krzysztof

    Who are your favorite dungeons/dragons/fantasy artists?

    I always liked Karl Waller, who did B&W stuff for Al-Qadim and Shadowrun, among other things. Just about anyone who did stuff for Planescape, especially DiTerlizzi & R.K. Post. And Mike Mignola. Sure, he's not a "fantasy artist" per se, but he did do an excellent Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser...
  9. Darth Krzysztof

    Animate Dead, but cooler?

    So I'd like to spring a graveyard encounter on my players, in which a necromancer summons some undead critters directly from their graves and straight up through the ground-- --but it turns out that animate dead, and the create undead spells, are all touch spells. Is there a way to pull this...
  10. Darth Krzysztof

    Demon Lords. You use 'em?

    They aren't gods in my campaign, because it dates back to 1st Edition, when PCs actually -could- kill them. Orcus and Tiamat (who was an archdevil back then) both bit the dust in the Bloodstone campaign, and Lolth mostly got killed when I ran GDQ1-7. Mind you, I still like the idea of archfiend...
  11. Darth Krzysztof

    Oerth/Toril/Krynn connectivity. Are they still linked in your campaign?

    Gee, in my campaigns, it was Vecna. One of his nicknames was the Raven...
  12. Darth Krzysztof

    Big Fat Orcus. What's the *offical* status of his lair?

    Wait; it gets worse. I'm pretty sure that H4 establishes Orcus's home on the 66th layer of the Abyss... Planescape and later products list it as 113th. So maybe he carved out a new realm when he came back, further down the Abyssal Turnpike?
  13. Darth Krzysztof

    Movies that are better than the novels they are based on

    Oh, that's easy. Jaws. I agree with The Godfather, also.
  14. Darth Krzysztof

    Anymore "Return to . . ." adventures coming out from WotC?

    As much as I'd love to return Barrier Peaks and Tsojcanth--and I would--Return to Bloodstone would slake my thirst much better. Specifically, a return to Orcus's corner of the Abyss, updated with Manual of The Planes, Book of Vile Darkness, and maybe Epic Level Handbook stuff. I've kicked...
  15. Darth Krzysztof

    Favorite D&D books

    My all-time favorite has got to be the World Builder's Guidebook. Every fantasy campaign I've put together since that book came out has started with it, including the ones set in published settings, and the ones that didn't use D&D rules... The original DMG hardly needs any more love, but it's...