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Recent content by DaveyB

  1. DaveyB

    D&D 4E How do older adventures scale in level to 4e?

    For instance, if I buy a PDF of an older 2e adventure that's for levels 4-8, how would that scale with 4e, since there's a fairly large discrepancy in hit points and damage output? Under 4e, would said adventure then apply to levels 2-4 or 3-6, etc.? There are lots of old adventures I'd like...
  2. DaveyB

    D&D 4E New 4e DM in need of help!

    Any ideas on how you guys handle initiative? Right now I use the trusty combat matrix printed on paper. I'm seeing ideas like using combat cards, magnetic white boards, round-robin initiative where the go clockwise or counter-clockwise around the table, etc. Any ideas on how make tracking...
  3. DaveyB

    D&D 4E New 4e DM in need of help!

    Hmm..reloaded doesn't have Varkaze show up at all. It claims that a hobgoblin waits in the shadows by the pool and then disappears to warn the others. I may have misunderstood that in thinking that they would hole up above and wait for the PCs to come to them, readying cover and what-not in...
  4. DaveyB

    D&D 4E New 4e DM in need of help!

    Okay guys, here's the setup: I'm about 3/4 of the way through Raiders of Oakhurst Reloaded. My party is comprised of a dragonborn fighter, dragonborn paladin, dragonborn warlord (notice a pattern?), a halfling rogue/ranger, and an eladrin wizard. So far, none of the encounters have really...
  5. DaveyB

    I made a DM Screen

    Relbanan, is that any special kind of foamcore board? Can it be bought at any craft store like Michaels? Also, what kind of tape are you using to hold it together and what are the pages put into? Thanks in advance! That's the kind of screen I'd like to assemble.
  6. DaveyB

    Confuzzled about Wizard's spells/spell progression

    Okay, makes sense now. That's kind of how I imagined it worked, but wasn't sure I was exactly correct. Thanks again!
  7. DaveyB

    Confuzzled about Wizard's spells/spell progression

    Okay, maybe I'm just a nitwit, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how the Wizard's spells/spell progression works. I've read and re-read it again, but it's still not clicking. There's obviously no more spell progression like the older edition. Now you get your 2 at-wills, 1 or 2 dailies...