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Recent content by Deamoclese

  1. D

    Update: Malhavoc PDFs no longer available at RPGnow (merged)

    As noted accurately by others, I am unaffected by the DMCA... I should note that I did this to see how hard/easy it was, not to file share it... and yes, file sharing laws in Canada are close to nonexistant. (In short, the law only states that you can only share files with individuals on the...
  2. D

    Update: Malhavoc PDFs no longer available at RPGnow (merged)

    Out of sheer curiosity... I bought a PDFs of their site... note, I have no experience with "cracking" or hacking files... I did a google search on it... 15 minutes later I removed all the security on the file and it is now like a good 'ol fashion pdf. Was rather laughable.
  3. D

    What is a skulk?

    In the Dungeon Magazine adventure: Life's Bazaar (adventure path series, first adventure), it makes mention of a humanoid creature called a Skulk... it gives stats but gives me no idea what book it came from.... I can't describe the darn thing cus it didn't include that... was this monster...
  4. D

    How Good Are These PDFs?

    The buck-a-batch pdf's are actually pretty cool - I bought them all (a buck a piece heh). Many of the magic items are quite clever and useful and I plan to put some to good use. However, there are a few questionable one's here and there, so DM discretion should still be applied... overall...
  5. D

    How Many PDF Products Have You Bought?

    I'm not a publisher or involved in the industry in anyway... but I've bought well over 50 PDFs in the past 2 years.... I like them, affordable, varied and many are quite high quality content. (In fact I just bought 2 today and 3 yesterday heh)
  6. D

    Getting up from prone

    AoO's occur just before the threatened person's action -- so you;d make the AoO before he actually stood up (it starts before he completes whatever action he was doing... i.e. standing).. thus he is still prone... thus +4 vs prone target... thus, you cannot try to trip him with the AoO since he...
  7. D

    Did anyone else not get the latest issue of Dungeon?

    Not yet :( getting rather concerned..
  8. D

    Did anyone else not get the latest issue of Dungeon?

    Grrr... still no 106 Dungeon for me either... have people received yet in Canada? Particularly in Toronto?
  9. D

    Best Layout and Graphics?

    As a layout designer myself for a national magazine, I find: Most visually appealing layout: Wizards of the Coast. Ease of use: Malhavoc Press (but very bland. Easy on the eyes though)
  10. D

    New Dungeon Come Yet?

    Customer service at Paizo is non-existent. I've sent dozens of emails to the address on their site asking for help fixing my subscription ... 4 months ago... sending an email once a week.. no response.. ever. Email doesnt come back as an error so i know it works -- and its the email listed...
  11. D

    Talk about gibberish latin and nothing to do with the topic.

    Hong, learn some manners please -- it is rude to reply to someone's post in a language he or she does not understand (nor does 99% of the rest of the forum populace). Your post was a waste of time and exceedingly without class - you are not succeeding at impressing anyone with that nonsense.
  12. D

    [Magazines] Dungeon or Dragon?

    I had a subscription to dragon for 1 year - I let it expire. AS a DM, I found it's material limited... a lot of it was good, but I found it too troublesome to constantly keep implemementing new material... a lot also didn't seem to fit at all into any of my games. Dungeon, however, I have...
  13. D

    Adventure Survey

    As a DM, I spend absurd amounts on adventures (close to $1,000 this year already.. I have more than I can use for the next few years). The reason is I do not have sufficient time quite often to devise my own whole campaign/storylines in fine detail. All my games are in Forgotten Realms What I...
  14. D

    Nice change to Divine Might coming...

    Why no mention of Divine Shield? My paladin found this far more benefical.. at lvl 8 with 18 CHA, that +4 bonus to AC made him nearly impervious to most attacks at that level. Has Divine shield been changed as well to last only 1 round?
  15. D

    Dark Portal Games.. gone?

    Damnit... I was really hoping to be able to buy the other adventures that were set to follow White Robes Black Hearts: Enigma of the Arcanexus. Were any of the others made and just not published? Anyway/where I can buy it in pdf or something... Grasping at straws :(