• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by defendi

  1. D

    D&D 5E D&D (Anime) Cultivation Plot

    I'll keep the real specifics of the adventure we're running a bit vague to avoid spoilers, as it's one that could be purchased, and the details aren't REALLY important. What is important is that I have a monk character in a game I'm DMing. The player has been watching a lot of cultivation anime...
  2. D

    Legend of the Five Rings RPG Beta Announced

    I've read about halfway through the rules. I haven't read Genysis yet, but I've heard alot about it and I've played star wars and all the L5R versions to date. I'm impressed with what they've done. There are issues I intend to report (after I've seen them in play and confirmed they ARE in fact...
  3. D

    Functioning Character Generator

    Thanks, I get the same unknown error in all browsers, including that version of firefox. I'll check into that other thing you didn't mention: System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason. at...
  4. D

    Functioning Character Generator

    Is there still a functioning Character Generator for 4th edition anywhere? I logged on to DDI this morning and it's broken in all my browsers. My google-fu has failed me to find a solution.
  5. D

    Need Help with a Bow Wizard Feat

    We have, but we play once a month, so he just hit third level. He seemed happy with it. He hasn't had a lot of opportunity to use the powers yet, but I'm pleased with what we have.
  6. D

    D&D 5E Roll20 Launches 5e SRD Character Sheets and drag and drop

    It's not a sheet that's you would print out and use at your table, it's just for use inside Roll20. So decide if you want to read on before continuing. :) The character sheet is a feature that you can use inside your campaign character journals. Once you get logged in with your account, you...
  7. D

    D&D 5E Community Content Enforcement in the DM's Guild (Does it literally even?)

    It was pay what you want, so honestly, the price I paid isn't worth the time it would take me to get the refund (I just paid the average figuring I could throw him some more bones if I felt guilty after I saw the actual product). And I got the product. It was spell cards. I forgot when I bought...
  8. D

    D&D 5E Community Content Enforcement in the DM's Guild (Does it literally even?)

    I've purchased a product only to have it removed after as well.
  9. D

    D&D 5E Roll20 Launches 5e SRD Character Sheets and drag and drop

    FYI, for those of you using the Shaped sheet, the sheet designer is updating his sheet to work with the SRD. I was playing with the drag and drop with the spells last night on the development version. It's cool.
  10. D

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    I remember that now. I stand corrected.
  11. D

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    From reading the AMA, I was pretty sure they meant any D&D 5e material and any book with a Forgotten Realms logo on it. I got the imperssion that you couldn't convert random old modules or splat books.
  12. D

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    Well the complaints didn't flood them until after it was open. :)
  13. D

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    Not yet. They just announced today that there was a solution in the works.
  14. D

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    I want to see if the rest of you agree with my interpretation of the DMSGuild community agreement. You aren't allowed to sell or distribute anything there anywhere else, except as marketing text. So: 1) I have a critical hit system for 4e that would convert easily to 5e. I want to put it on...
  15. D

    D&D 5E [Publishers] Now that the OGL is updated, what are you working on?

    About five or six months ago, I converted my Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting and the first adventure to 5e. Now I'm taking that file and making a pass for OGL compliance. I hope to be done with my draft by the end of the weekend.