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Recent content by delchrys

  1. D

    People have the strangest deal-breakers

    Don't get me wrong--loving 3.5 or even 4.0 doesn't make a person "not a true Dnd fan"--I just personally prefer a lower-magic, lower-powered campaign setting that focuses on story over "powers", and earlier editions do that better for me. I feel that 4E makes it harder to make the focus be about...
  2. D

    People have the strangest deal-breakers

    axiomatic strike (hey i've "learned" how to do extra damage against "chaotic" opponents!) destructive rage (hey i've "learned" how to increase my strength by 8 on command!) faster healing (hey i've "learned" how to heal faster!) greater resiliency (hey i've "learned" how to not take as much...
  3. D

    People have the strangest deal-breakers

    Yeah, if you limit feats to those examples and similarly-sensible ones, you're right. Now reconsider what I wrote in light of the 8 billion OTHER feats that make far less sense.
  4. D

    People have the strangest deal-breakers

    If you don't see the difference between a ranger gaining a few nature spells at 8th level and the over-the-top feats available in 3.0 and beyond, nothing I say will make my point here. There are levels of suspension of disbelief and later edition feats are significantly more difficult to...
  5. D

    Help me Kill a PC

    others have already posted varying forms of my initial thoughts (monte haul problem, interpersonal issues, potential insecurity/psyche issues, broken dynamic, etc.), so i'll skip those and go straight to some (hopefully) creative suggestions: first, your mastermind fellow isn't alone, right? he...
  6. D

    Of all the complaints about 3.x systems... do you people actually allow this stuff ?

    Well said, Jon Dahl. "Good" dnd campaigns require several elements: 1) skilled DM who knows when to adhere strictly to the rules and when to abandon them; how much to railroad and how much of a sandbox to build (extremes are terrible); who can weave the players'...
  7. D

    People have the strangest deal-breakers

    agreed, Jack--feats are the reason i stopped buying dnd books once 2E was supplanted by 3.0. "hey, i just got a 'level'! suddenly i am able to do XYZ amazing ability without any rational explanation, even given the 'physics' of the dnd world and the magic therein! and of course, i will choose...
  8. D

    What Does Your Perfect Edition Look Like?

    I'd like the streamlining of mechanics seen in later editions (fewer types of saving throws, high rolls are "good") with the grittiness of earlier editions. the biggest thing to me as a DM is that there be an emphasis in the core 5E rules that everything is DM prerogative, meaning that players...