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Recent content by Deovin

  1. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    Cool. It's working for me for now. It came up with "Any" in the distance select; set it to 25. I'll play around with it a bit. Thanks!
  2. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    Is there a distance setting somewhere in our profile info or is it only available on the GSG/map page?
  3. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    I just tried for the first time months. This is the first time I've tried since I got on FIoS. Still no luck. Chrome, FireFox, Safari, and Opera on Mac OS X. IE, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, and Opera on Win7.
  4. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    *Just gave it a go with FireFox (v 10.0.2) on my MacBook Pro and it came up in no time. Chrome (17.0.963.65) and Safari (5.1.2), both on Mac, are still having the issue. Will try on the PC and report results when I get a chance. ----------------------------------- * Scratch the FireFox...
  5. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    Almost one year later and I'm still having the issue. Multiple browsers on multiple PCs, multiple Macs, and now iPad. Tried from multiple locations in my area and in other states, on multiple networks. Still no luck.
  6. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    Looks like I was actually able to get into it by going to my profile page, but clicking on the link at the top of the page still results in the 500. I can get to the rest of the site just fine. Actually, I can only see the member list. Can't seem to get the map.
  7. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    500 is a server side error, so it's something on EN's (or their host's) end. I've tried from about 4 different computers in multiple locations over the past week; same result. :(
  8. Deovin

    Gamers Seeking Gamers (500: Internal Server Error)

    I've been getting a 500 (Internal Server Error) since last weekend. Clicking on the link results in the site just spinning it's wheels for the better part of a minute before displaying the error page.
  9. Deovin

    A couple site errors

    Seeing it now!
  10. Deovin

    A couple site errors

    Yes. Not having issues on other sites that use the API.
  11. Deovin

    A couple site errors

    Not seeing it in Chrome, Firefox or Safari on the Mac.
  12. Deovin

    A couple site errors

    Same here on the GSG map. Glad to see it's not just me. :D