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Recent content by discjacker

  1. D

    Making Cool Maps

    I have used the Unreal Tournament editor to make a dungeon that could be moved through in first person perspective. Although this took months of learning the editor and then at least 1.5 months making the level, so not really the best thing to use
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    Battlemap Stain

    This reminds me to go clean off my map from two weeks ago. Thanks
  3. D

    Recommendations for a good read?

    Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary....... great books lots of big authors before they were big, great dark fantasy feel, a real page turner. Right now I am reading "Bloodstone" by Karl Edward Wagner great gretty fantasy
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    Vlad the Impaler finally out from Avalanche

    In my opinion the People at Avalanche press are doing their books a great disservice in their choice of cover art. The books are fantastic from the historical point of view but so many people that I talk to are completely turned away by the cover. On the other hand there covers have churned up...
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    Help Finding Monsters!

    EDITED: Information removed
  6. D

    Lawful Good assassins?

    Kind of reminds me of the Holy Assasins in the Al'Qudim campaign setting
  7. D

    HELP!!! Help educate my BF on RPGS!!!

    I prefer the term "interactive storytelling", A group of friends getting together and helping to tell a story together. oh yeah you get to roll dice too
  8. D

    Has anyone tried the HackMaster GM screen yet?

    The screen is very usefull, I used last week in a Hackmaster game, never really opened up the DMG actually everything you need is right infront of you. I recomend using paperclips to hold back some of the slats, otherwise they encroach upon your private document area.
  9. D

    Psion Domain: Please offer suggestions

    It seems like most granted powers for domains only are usable once per day, and are really of a minor ability. Perhaps just letting the priest gain a single level 1 psion talent and no additional talents will balence the domain a little. You dont really need to include additional talents as...
  10. D

    Non-D20 popular here?

    Currently I am running a D20 but I just finished playing A Palladium Fantasy campaign. I also GM and Play in a Hackmaster. Play lots of board games as well.
  11. D

    Central Casting - Heroes of Legend 2d Ed.

    Anybody have the URL to sutch a product, I would like to check it out.
  12. D

    Help Me Find a Prestige Class?

    Perhaps the Devine Agent from (MoP), You say you have traveled to several different Planets, just a small hop and you could make it to another Plane and have the prereq's covered. Seems like a Plane-hopping PC would definately get the smile of aproval from Fharlanghn.
  13. D

    Sometimes DMing is a lonely job...

    I have found that having other GM's around that are not in your active group to discuss with very helpfull. Right now I try and get together with other GM's in the area, that I have met at conventions or at the local Wierd Pete's. Usually try and have a couple of beers and talk game it's...
  14. D

    Which City Do I Buy?

    I have all of the mentioned d20 citybooks, and the one I chose to run my campaign in was Freeport. I especially like the tough gritty aspects of the city. There is plenty of detailed locations and sites all put together nicely with detailed NPC's and multiple adventure hooks. The setting is...
  15. D

    Sort-of Poll: Cover Art

    I almost mentioned the avalanche press covers nice eye candy I suppose, but definately the fruitiest cover art to date