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Recent content by DJ_draken07

  1. DJ_draken07

    Suggestions? - Trying to Make a RpG System

    Heres a Sample of what I wanna try to do with a RpG Trying to Mix "advanced DnD". "DnD 3.5" , "D20 Modern" , and "Rifts" World: (Looks like Final Fantasy 6 mix with lost Odyssey) Steampunk Fantasy world that has Technology from World War 2 or perhaps Higher Tech i dont really know yet...
  2. DJ_draken07

    3.5 Question: How can I make this even?

    I have 2 players that wants to be LV Adjustment +1 Characters and another one who wants to do LV Adjustment +3 How can I make this even For all players? Lets say I wanna do a LV 11 Campaign. How can i do it?
  3. DJ_draken07

    LV1: Tropical Rainforest Campaign (Ideas?)

    Hey Guys, I started from The beginning once again. I Decided to start off in A Tropical Rainforest and I Want to see what you guys think about the idea I have Below. If you got any addition ideas then please tell me..or Even your Opinions about it too. Idea: A powerful Leader hired a...
  4. DJ_draken07

    Is this fight fair?

    He stayed so far away , He didnt even try to fight the blighter.
  5. DJ_draken07

    AfterMath (Homebrew RPG) Combat system

    Just wondering What you guys think about it... any suggestions or Opinions
  6. DJ_draken07

    AfterMath (Homebrew RPG) Combat system

    Example Combat: Fighter Vs Barbarian (one on one combat) Initiative - Fighter Rolls D20 (15) , Barbarian rolls d20 (18) Player's turn - The Barbarian decides to move up to the fighter and Attack with his great sword. Fighter Decides to Block with his long sword. Attack Phase - Barbarian's...
  7. DJ_draken07

    AfterMath (Homebrew RPG) Combat system

    Hey Guys , I been making a game called AfterMath and I wonder if My combat system is good or not. I already got stats and skills good and ready to go. I just need to see if combat is good or i need to work on it more. Here I go! Turn Phases: Right Below shows you how to handle combat Initiative...
  8. DJ_draken07

    Is this fight fair?

    Did the Campaign today , The blighter was LV 8 in all Conclusions of the battle turned was Race: Aasimar - Class: LV 3 Bard / 1 LV 1 Rogue (Max Hp - Stayed away from battle) Race: Human - Class: LV 5 Sorcerer ( Died) Race: Half Orc - Class LV 2 Cleric / LV 2 Fighter (8 hp left) Race...
  9. DJ_draken07

    Is this fight fair?

    Epic Battle Campaign (lots of Fighting) At The Very End of the Campaign the party is going Fight a Blighter. Party - Race: Aasimar - Class: LV 3 Bard / 1 LV 1 Rogue Race: Human - Class: LV 5 Sorcerer Race: Half Orc - Class LV 2 Cleric / LV 2 Fighter Race: Shifter - Class: LV 2 Ranger / LV 2...
  10. DJ_draken07

    D&D 3.5 - Advanced Technology

    MY GOD man, You are amazing with Ideas. Wow I give you two thumbs up and SOME EXP! HEHE I can work on this thanks to your brainstorming ideas. :)
  11. DJ_draken07

    D&D 3.5 - What Class Should This Villian Be?

    2 Druids and A Sorcerer study together in a group to save the forest of a great kingdom... Someone is making the plants come alive and attacking anything living that comes near by. The power is so great that Druids cannot control it. The three decided to make some sort of Cure againist this...
  12. DJ_draken07

    Maze Arena Battle Campaign

    thats a pretty good Idea.. im making a huge list of what I can do with this campaign but that was really freakin sweet. Im trying to draw out a awesome maze but so far its turning into crap lolol
  13. DJ_draken07

    Maze Arena Battle Campaign

    Hey Guys, Here's a Campaign Idea I was thinking about and I Wonder what you guys think about it. ------- Rumors have been heard in the town that the party will be in, One of these rumors was a City not too far from here is hosting a Maze Arena Contest. The maze is set up with Traps ...
  14. DJ_draken07

    D&D 3.5 - Advanced Technology

    Hey guys, I need some advice about a campaign idea I had in mind. The campaign right now is LV 5 party in the Medievil Age. Well I think it be cool to give birth to a new age in the game. Where the Medievil world is starting to use advanced Magical Technology such as Airships , Guns , ETC...
  15. DJ_draken07

    Players That Ruin Games

    I have a problem almost every week in my game. 1. Joking Around - More then half of my players Joke around way too much... And Acting completely not in character during gametime. Trying not to do the campaign and cause trouble in the world or not even caring about the campaign. They keep coming...