

What is dLinear?
dLinear is a 100% non-profit, educational forum dedicated to helping explore and push the creative potential of tabletop thinking. With several years of post-graduate study in literary history and over a decade of rolling d20s on the side, this long-time GM hopes to enrich your games with tools, tips, and modules to help you get beyond those tiresome tropes.

What does dLinear offer?
dLinear delivers weekly articles every Monday to help expand your favourite RPGs. The majority of our content will strive to maintain multi-system applicability. Wherever possible, our design prompts for both GMs and PCs will come with suggestions on how to easily translate them into three of the more prominent rpg settings: Fantasy/Neomedieval, Sci-fi/Western, and Modern/Supernatural. Don’t worry though, we’ll also have some catered system-specific posts to really stretch the boundaries of your favourite rpgs.

Why “dLinear?”
As an analytic/linear thinker, finding creative outlets was always difficult. Give me a blank piece of paper and a pen and I’ll give you a frustrated paper-ball (still blank). Give me a grid, however, with maybe a few random points to incorporate and I’m off to the races. Contrary to popular opinion, the various rules and mechanics that make up the backbone of our favourite rpgs don’t have to inhibit our creativity. They can, in fact, enhance it! By providing us with intricate skeletons around which to build and design our characters and settings, tabletops help us retain the coherent organizational logic necessary for A-Types to truly let themselves “play.” For everyone else, it’s already CandyLand! With rpgs, anyone can play creative; amidst these literal worlds of possibility, even those of us whose rolls are always with that dLinear can feel the rush of making something new!