• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Been playing RPGs since childhood (over 20 years) and I am now seeking new people to play with. I run a weekly(ish) game that started as 3.5 turned to Pathfinder and now is converting to 5e. I am mostly interested in participation with another group as a player since I haven't had the opportunity to do so in quite some time. I prefer role-playing vs roll-playing but got into the powergaming habit while playing with a group of optimizers. Honestly playing with powergamers taught me allot about how to look at a character as a whole build, to conceive of combinations and tactics optimal to a character and how to take a "weak" character and make them effective. This has flowered into learning how to build for specific concepts for my players and alter rules without losing balance. My players are mostly female and I must say I prefer their character/story driven play style much more to the dudes in a basement drinking mountain dew crushing dungeons. I mean they will willingly pass up treasure to accomplish RP tasks quicker (even though writing down and deciding what to do with treasure seems quick enough).
Providence RI