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Recent content by doomtrader

  1. D

    New D20 based strategy game - Worlds of Magic (MoM successor)

    Another request to a friendly soul. Would you please post the link to the Tactical combat early demo we have posted at our website? (Download section)
  2. D

    New D20 based strategy game - Worlds of Magic (MoM successor)

    Hi, I still can't do it yet, but if somebody would be some kind and post the link to our site, you can see a new gameplay video and some new screenshots and concept arts there.
  3. D

    New D20 based strategy game - Worlds of Magic (MoM successor)

    Hello All! You can still help us by backing our game Come and see what we are doing there and if you like it, just back us and spread the word tinyurl.com/ck5yftd screen.bitterglory.com/in/13-05/dggycwnnq.png
  4. D

    New D20 based strategy game - Worlds of Magic (MoM successor)

    Hello All. We have broke the 40k stretch goal tonight, and with 29 hours left we can try to hit the 45k, which is additional race and Linux and Mac version available at the release date. kickstarter.com/projects/304725524/worlds-of-magic-a-new-classic-4x-fantasy-game Thanks for your support...
  5. D

    New D20 based strategy game - Worlds of Magic (MoM successor)

    Master of Magic character designer joins the Worlds of Magic crew. We have also launched our Kickstarter, so you can take a look what you see, and help us make this game happen: kickstarter.com/projects/304725524/worlds-of-magic-a-new-classic-4x-fantasy-game Also we have got an interview at...