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Recent content by dungeondweller

  1. D

    DDG Games closing down, everything's $1 until 10/1

    Thanks for the sentiments, guys. I may look to re-emerge with a different publisher some day... After a very long break. (And assuming I don't start making money hand over fist with the poker gig.)
  2. D

    DDG Games closing down, everything's $1 until 10/1

    PRESS RELEASE 09/12/2008 After 5 years of living the dream that is indie RPG publishing, Dungeon Dwellers' Guild Games has decided to close its doors. As of October 1st, 2008, development and distribution of all products from this publisher will cease. As a last hoorah we are reducing the...
  3. D

    DDG Games closing down, everything's $1 until 10/1

    PRESS RELEASE 09/12/2008 After 5 years of living the dream that is indie RPG publishing, Dungeon Dwellers' Guild Games has decided to close its doors. As of October 1st, 2008, development and distribution of all products from this publisher will cease. As a last hoorah we are reducing the...
  4. D

    Skill Challenges for Dummies

    Congratulations to the mathematical minds who've generated this buzz. Some of you have a truly dizzying and impressive grasp of odds and statistics. What I think the entire discussion is lacking, however, is perspective. People with advanced skillsets (mathmeticians being one) tend to try to...
  5. D

    Publishing Software - What Do You Use?

    MS Publisher 2007 (far less limited than previous versions) and Adobe PhotoShop 7.
  6. D

    DIY GMs?

    That's been my finding exactly.
  7. D

    Come see the new (FREE) Dungeon Dwellers Guild!

    Glad you enjoy it, man... I hope you find much use for the tools we've built! The Downloads section (as it is currently planned) will change on a fairly frequent basis and we will offer many products there as free downloads that either were or *are* currently offered on a pay basis to non-guild...
  8. D

    Come see the new (FREE) Dungeon Dwellers Guild!

    (Approved for release 05/16/2007 15:11 MDT) After 10 years lying dormant, the Dungeon Dwellers' Guild is back in action! (Click here to go to the Dungeon Dwellers' Guild) Sign up for *FREE* guild membership to use the online guild page including the following fantasy themed features: -...
  9. D

    No 2 magic effects stack

    Seems like that raises a MESS of questions... It's an easy declaration to make, but implementation is bound to be a monster. For one, it just doesn't make sense that an item that makes one stronger and an enchanted weapon shouldn't be able to work together. For two, how do you ultimately...
  10. D

    Magic System Discussion

    Take a look at the Sovereign Stone campaign setting for an interesting take on revamping the magic system. I definitely agree that the "tome of spells" approach is cumbersome and archaic and needs to be replaced with something sleeker and more dynamic. Similar to what someone else has already...
  11. D

    How fast do you level in 3.x? (read before you vote)

    Hard question to provide a solid answer to. I went with "3" as an average. It's 1 session per level through about level 4 -5, then slows down considerably. Takes us about 2 years gaming every 2 - 3 weeks, 6 to 7 hours per session, to get to 20th level.
  12. D

    Do you DM?

    Same. And, in my case, generally does not work well for anyone involved...
  13. D

    Forming a pdf company--your experiences?

    Well, good luck with it... And if you ever need any advice about anything, we're certainly at no shortage for opinions around here.
  14. D

    Forming a pdf company--your experiences?

    Yeah, my general advice in regards to a family partnership would be... Flee for your life!!!! But I certainly hope it works out better for you guys than it would in my family.
  15. D

    Forming a pdf company--your experiences?

    You remember doing the dragon for our logo?