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Recent content by DungeonsNDads

  1. DungeonsNDads

    Dungeonsndads.com - Our D&D YouTube Channel

    Hey thanks for the feedback :) In an ideal world we'd all have cams, but editing the video to indicate who is speaking would take a LOT of post-production to edit it in at every point who spoke, and unfortunately I just don't have that kind of time. It already takes me nearly an hour per video...
  2. DungeonsNDads

    Dungeonsndads.com - Our D&D YouTube Channel

    Hey all, we launched our Dungeons N' Dads YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago; currently consists of my groups D&D4e Forgotten Realms campaign that we're playing online with Fantasy Grounds and recording them. I've also started doing a DM/GM advice feature that, whilst at times may concentrate...
  3. DungeonsNDads

    How do "online" D&D or Pathfinder games work ?

    I agree that they do price themselves out of the market quite a bit. My group bought the "Ultimate" license, which means I'm the DM and our players can join in and out as they please, we can have random people join and they don't need to have purchased a license. We played it for about 3 years...
  4. DungeonsNDads

    Yet another remake

    Ahhh I thought it was a reboot.
  5. DungeonsNDads

    Is the Internet a hive of scum and villainy?

    Can't say I was ever bullied, people used to try but that's just kids, I grew a thick skin and bloody knuckles growing up :) I agree that people will suck if they just inherently suck, and an a-hole on the street will equally be an a-hole on the internet, he doesn't need a mask nor anonymity...
  6. DungeonsNDads

    How do "online" D&D or Pathfinder games work ?

    My group used Fantasy Grounds. We're currently running a D&D Forgotten Realms 4e campaign and have actually just started hosting it on YouTube. I wanted to get a little more grounded in this community before I'm all "Hey anyone interested in my channel?!" but given that this topic is relevant...
  7. DungeonsNDads

    D&D 5E 5e summary?

    I cant wait to convert my 4e players to Next.
  8. DungeonsNDads

    Can you do any gymnastic/acrobatic stuff?

    I can hold my 5month old son whilst going to the toilet at the same time.. ... does that count?
  9. DungeonsNDads

    Is the Internet a hive of scum and villainy?

    Give a man a mask and you see the real man. Basically people suck.
  10. DungeonsNDads

    Clothing styles or items you wish would come back

    I quite like Italian Renaissance, open top shirts like Assassins's Creed. I could go with that I reckon.
  11. DungeonsNDads

    Who is watching "Vikings"?

    I really like it, but I can't help but watch it thinking it needs more swearing and gore (tastefully done of course). It's like a PG13 Game of Thrones.
  12. DungeonsNDads

    D&D Lego minifigures

    My son is currently 5months old... it will be a while before I start buying lego again, but when I do.... ... this.
  13. DungeonsNDads

    Tech Gone Bad

    See now I'm just curious...
  14. DungeonsNDads

    [March] What are you reading?

    Star Wars: Edge of the Empire core rulebook whilst prepping a new character for our session tomorrow. Woot.
  15. DungeonsNDads

    Amazon considers raising Prime subscription fee by up to $40

    Just another reason for me not to buy it :)