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Recent content by ~EE~

  1. E

    Finding my thread

    Twas the ladder, thank you Mr. Mod, sir.
  2. E

    Finding my thread

    So, I posted, I forgot where, but it was about DM RPing. I cannot find it now. What shall I do to find it?
  3. E

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Question

    On certain classes, such as the Ranger, the base attack table has multiple entries. Example Ranger: +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 What's the thing about the...
  4. E

    LFG Online Central Time US

    So...Yeah I've played D&D 3.5, in real life, for a couple of months now. Before hand I've had some experience and the want to play. Now, after I've been DMing for this long I'm hoping to get into a group that I can play. Unfortunately, I live in 'The Middle of Nowhere, Minnesota' so I can't...
  5. E

    Eberron 3.5

    Well I'm pretty much using only the dragonmarked houses, the world and it's...crunch? (I'm not new to D&D. I'm new to the lingo you guys use.) Anyway, yeah. I'm not going to use anything that would...Hm...How to put it...Ugh I dunno. Anyone know a better way to put it?
  6. E

    Eberron 3.5

    I am the DM. I don't want the 4e book because I'm playing 3.5. If they're the same then I'll forget about it.
  7. E

    Eberron 3.5

    My credit card does not exist. Plus, what would I do with this book? I have no plans to ever play 4e. This isn't a edition war though.
  8. E

    Plotting and RPing....

    I've read these and today I had my session. I stopped doing the "He says this" and "She does that" thing. I've also asked to be more detailed when fighting. It's actually gotten better. Thank you all for your suggestions. Now, will this be cleaned after it goes inactive for X amount of time? I...
  9. E

    Eberron Skiffs and Skycoaches

    Well, I'm also using 4e so it might have changed but, the air ships use soar wood, an elemental, and a blimp like thing. The soarwood allows it to be sturdy with less weight. The elemental allows it to be controlled better and the blimp allows it to keep aloft. I could be wrong though or else...
  10. E

    Eberron 3.5

    So, my friend bought the Eberron source book for our campaign. He did this for two reasons. One, he wanted to be a Warforged. Two, I wanted it to base the sessions around. Problem? I have it in 4e and we play 3.5. I can't bring it back because A: I've had it longer than 30 days and B: The store...
  11. E

    Plotting and RPing....

    Question 1: Being a DM I notice that it gets kinda boring going "You hit" or "You miss" or "HAHA! THE MONSTER CRIT! DIE YOU 21AC CAT THING!". I've also noticed that my players are kinda sick of it too. How can I change that? Question 2: How do you, other DMs, do plot? Do you write it ahead of...
  12. E

    PC Problem

    Well, today we talked and now he knows not to expect to literally talk anyone into anything. I believe it's been worked out. Wish meh luck.
  13. E

    PC Problem

    He's not though actually. He's actually a good guy. He only gets like this when it comes to games or material items. Anything else he's fine. He's hypocritical when it comes to his personality. You would have to know him I guess to get him. EDIT: Closest thing I can think of to his personality...
  14. E

    PC Problem

    I thank all of you for your help. I'm going to attempt to talk to him about this problem and see if I cannot fix it. I do have another question if I may. Is anyone familiar with the Eberron Campaign Guide? The one I have is 4e and I'm attempting to make it my world and such. I have a few...
  15. E

    PC Problem

    Would you approve of this then? Since we're pretty much just starting out I'll let it be for now. If he attempts to make an NPC do something, unless it's something he would very likely do, I'll say he doesn't do it but, he thinks about it. I wont put it that bluntly but, I'll do something like...