Recent content by ephealy

  1. ephealy

    Introducing Knuckledragger- A new take on the typical VTTRPGs

    I get a "Your connection is not private" warning when I try to go to your website.
  2. ephealy

    Modiphius To Distribute Sean Astin's Grimmerspace

    If you join the Grimmerspace Facebook Group you can keep up to date on how things are going.
  3. ephealy

    Modiphius To Distribute Sean Astin's Grimmerspace

    Excited to be working on this project...
  4. ephealy

    Filemon Palero 'Romantic D&D Encounters (live)'

    I shot that three years ago! Wow... has it really been that long?
  5. ephealy

    Realm Works Videos

    Joey Turco is doing a series of short videos that looks at various aspects of Realm Works on GameratiTV. Here's a link to the playlist for all the current videos. In case you want to go directly to the current ones, here's the current (as of today) list: (1) Introduction (2) Places (3)...
  6. ephealy

    Gen Con 2013 Coverage

    Sure. Why not. Just make sure you all let me know what you're up to:
  7. ephealy

    Gen Con 2013 Coverage

    This is really a non-Kickstarter, but it's crowdfunding, so Morrus said I should post about it here... Gamerati is hoping you'll help us upgrade some camera equipment before Gen Con next month. We're hoping you enjoy the videos and photos we post. Here's the photos we took at PaizoCon 2013...
  8. ephealy

    Favorite RPG Podcasts

    On it! We're doing a VERY COOL interview for a special edition episode today. I hope it'll be out by the end of the weekend.
  9. ephealy

    X-Wing Miniatures Game?

    The YouTube tutorials give a pretty good summary of what play is like. Here's the complete video - pretty well done: X-Wing™ Complete Tutorial
  10. ephealy

    [Tacoma, WA] Game Day

    That would be awesome! When's the move?
  11. ephealy

    [Tacoma, WA] Game Day

    I'll be holding some 14-hour Game Days in various cities this year. The first one will be in Tacoma, WA on 9/22. Here's a page with information. I hope to see some of you there.
  12. ephealy

    Secrets of TSR panel from PaizoCon 2012‏

    Probably both. Though I would say that there are enough people on the industry side - even just in RPGs - that you can't know any where near all of them. I try as bast I can - it's my full time job, after all - and I am always discovering whole swaths of people I never knew about.
  13. ephealy

    Secrets of TSR panel from PaizoCon 2012‏

    Thanks, Mark. I had a blast recording it. :)
  14. ephealy

    Lisa Stevens Gamerati Interview

    Here are direct links to the actual interview from the Gamerati+ Hangout: * Part the First * Part the Second Here are direct links to the five questions Lisa answered: 1) Ken Austin 2) Brian Berg 3) Brian H 4) Michael Brewer 5) JamesMartin
  15. ephealy

    RPG Countdown best of 2011 giveaway contest

    You sure are, Tavis.