• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Evaniel

  1. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    What kind of split are you doing?
  2. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    I track workouts with apps like Strong and Hevy, which are pretty good for what they are. I'll have to check Macro Factor out.
  3. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    Any interest in reviving this? I'd be interested in seeing what kind of training splits and diets y'all are following. By the end of the spring semester, I found I was tired of tracking calories, realizing it had led me to a lot of yo-yo dieting. I would cut calories and trim fat, but that...
  4. E

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    As someone who was only sporadic at best in the "Didn't Comment" thread, real talk: does the "Pineapple-On-Pizza" metaphor have a specific correspondence in the current rules or does it just refer to the tendency to evangelize about one's tastes?
  5. E

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I played in a game where we fought that guy, and I took his sword. Every fight afterward usually featured me asking a variant of the following question: "but is it a peasant werewolf?"
  6. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    I stayed offsite at the Abbey Resort, which meant I pretty much had the run of their gym while I was there. That was really nice as I don't have much self-control when it comes to eating on vacation.
  7. E

    Sales Figures for TSR Marvel Superheroes RPG

    Hi, all. I'm wondering if any of you know where I could find sales figures for the TSR-era Marvel Superheroes RPG line. I know those sorts of figures can be hard to come by and that Ben Riggs did some work on finding that information for D&D. I have no idea how to find it on my own, though. :/...
  8. E

    What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

    I've used Storm King's Thunder for place-based encounters, its random encounter tables, and its gazetteer (which was frankly stronger than SCAG) for several campaigns. I've run PotA twice now, and both times, the Red Larch and surface stuff was far stronger than the back half of the campaign...
  9. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    I've never been much into rowing (too much cardio peanut butter in my resistance training chocolate), but this bit about old man knees? It's making me reconsider.
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  11. E

    D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)

    A friend and I have joked about doing an all-bard party of "monstrous" humanoids and basically playing Gwar. Our calling? Summon Gor Gor.
  12. E

    Coen Brothers - The Movies and the Ranking!

    And now I have to watch the ones I haven't seen so I can weigh in. And I'd better re-watch the ones I haven't seen in awhile. To avoid recency bias, I'll need to watch those I've seen more recently. Darn. ;) I haven't seen all of them, so I can't speak to those. I'd agree with Snarf that No...
  13. E

    D&D General Industry Veteran Jennell Jaquays Passes

    I'm so saddened to hear this. We've lost a true icon.
  14. E

    Our Physical Fitness

    Thanks for responding, and you're dead on about the ego part. It's something that I'm still trying to adapt to. Full ROM has never really been a problem for me, and it's one of those dimensions of ego-lifting that's pretty easy to circumvent. Rather, it's the nebulousness of paused reps...