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Recent content by EYEforanEYE

  1. E

    Ring Side Report-Review of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and thoughts on the future

    This game is a card game regardless of the theme. I play the LOTR LCG, SW LCG, CoC LCG, and many others and no matter the theme, it is a card game. Despite the fact that I can find many similarities to other rule mechanics used in many other games, it will always be a card game.
  2. E

    Pathfinder 1E Post here if you're a PATHFINDER RPG fan!

    I am a fan. Mythic is optional.(complaints concerning Mythic sound like those who complain Affleck is going to be the new Batman) I will continue to support Paizo and PF.
  3. E

    A review of "Dungeoneer's Handbook" by Paizo Publishing

    I am a devoted subscriber to Paizo and I receive all of their PF products now for the past 4 years. I agree that SOME of the material contained within these so called splat books are not very useful in the majority of my games BUT I do have some use of the material for my campaign...
  4. E

    Frog God Games: Tome of Horrors 4 by Scott Greene

    INTRODUCTION: The old question continues to pop up among those who are willingly able to afford such supplements and those who are not as fortunate and that is, can there be too many monsters? My answer is an absolute no however the throngs of gamers I encounter say yes. The predicament at...
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  6. E

    Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle: A Railroady Adventure and Exclusive Gen Con D&D Next Softcover Ruleset

    Reviews of anything to include gaming products need to be personalized otherwise it is not a review. When I write reviews of gaming products, I get intimate with the product in question therefore becoming personal is part of the reviewing process. What I do not want to see is a "cookie cutter"...
  7. E

    UK Game Stores Band Together To Ban Alleged Bully [Updated]

    Totally disgusting. There is a very small minority in the gamer community that just stink... This is no exception...
  8. E

    Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle: A Railroady Adventure and Exclusive Gen Con D&D Next Softcover Ruleset

    Well done review. Blunt, to the point, and extremely honest and that is what makes a review glow. As with any given module, the DM is wise to read front and back, point the glaring issues, make corrections and then play the module from a different perspective. WOTC has a lot to learn from...
  9. E

    Adding to my collection some more Old School material

    Yeah, very costly collection it is...
  10. E

    Pathfinder 1E Rise of the Runelords Limited Edition Collectors item

    I have hosted RotRL on 2 seperate occassions and the result was one TPK with Karzoug destryoing the 1st party and Karzoug getting defeated the 2nd time by another group. All I can say is initiative matters and failing saving throws do as well...;D
  11. E

    Adding to my collection some more Old School material

    Well, as my collection evolves and I add more and more to it, I think that it is ok however, your comment has been noted for further posting activity concerning this issue. Thank you...
  12. E

    Adding to my collection some more Old School material

    Yeah, The minis appear to be a whole mishmash of minis from other boxes which might have long ago were destroyed. As soon as I get some organization done today, I am going to pull them all out, evaluate their condition, put aside the ones that need to be cleaned and assemble the rest. Pics...
  13. E

    My D&D/RPG collection

    Yeah, thanx to the new bookshelves... The others were just too small and they were mismatched so I had built these with a friend of mine. It made keeping things more organized.
  14. E

    My D&D/RPG collection

    Thank you...
  15. E

    D&D 5E Even if you like D&D Next, are you buying it, and how soon?

    Ok, if you say so. I guess we shall when it is released...