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Recent content by Falcmir

  1. F


    I think the strength of Polytheism is to have several interesting characters who are universally known throughout the world that have their own storyline. What I mean by that is rather than having gods who simply seek worshippers you have gods that have their own agendas. They have built in...
  2. F

    50 fantastical cities (or How writers block sunk my campaign world)

    Quick one off the top of my head City name: Meromalem Hook: City of religious fanatics everyone and everything is dressed up in the same religious clothing they let visitors into the city to trade but any visitors face constant indoctrination sermons.
  3. F

    [OT] Favorite Band?

    I'll add another vote for They Might Be Giants.
  4. F

    The coolest, classic D&D BBEG!

    Come on it has to be Vecna!!! He's like missing an eye and a hand man, that's just nasty, and like the sword guy betrayed him or something that rocks!!!!! (Quotes from me and my gaming group circa 1985)
  5. F

    Raising Hell! Isn't it time for a mega-adventure featuring Hell?!

    The campaign I'm about to start deals with hell quite extensively. I want to do something along the lines of an Armageddon, Ragnarok, end of the world kind of game where the gates to hell will break open and floods of demons and devils will break loose across the planes destroying everything...
  6. F

    So how do you run environmental hazards?

    A campaign I was recently in featured battling a storm. We glossed over the actual fighting the storm bit but we discovered the reason we were caught in the storm was because we were way off course. The route we should have taken was generally sheltered and much more calm than the route we...
  7. F

    Do your characters wear their armor all day long?

    In general I'm not a stickler for realism when it comes to wearing armor, as long as it makes sense for them to have it on that's fine. Sleeping in armor is a no-no and if they are in a very secure area such as living in a kings castle then we assume no armor. If the character is walking...
  8. F

    More lay-offs at WOTC! [Merged]

    How does a small company putting out few products differ from a large company putting out a few products? The large company ensures wider distribution of the few products they do put out since it will go in the same stores as the rest of their product, i.e. I've seen far more D&D books in book...
  9. F

    More lay-offs at WOTC! [Merged]

    I think history has shown that there isnt a large enough market for D&D products to make it's ownership more than an afterthought for a huge company like Hasbro. Conversly a smaller company like TSR didnt have the resources necessary to continue publishing a significant amount of product. What...
  10. F

    Population Growth Help

    How do you figure numbers as low as 3 children per woman? They are specifically trying to build their population and each woman is going to have @ 20 years to bear children. It should be more in the range of 10 - 15 per woman which was typical among rural farming families. The population...
  11. F

    Setting Search Innovations!

    None of my suggestions were listed as specific rule changes they were listed as background for the world. Powerful wizards using armies of summoned creatures to try to dominate the world, forced to deal with secret cults and cabals trying to upset their plans. My poor writing skills and lack...
  12. F

    Alignment Traits

    Wow just have to say I love the traits idea. It's still a simple component but it tells you so much more than just those two letters LG-CE. As to the debate about selfish being evil, everyone has self interest and trys to look out for themselves but if you are willing to sacrifice anothers...
  13. F

    Setting Search Innovations!

    I was thinking like an animal companion, they are always there and always at your command. Not entirely sure on how I wanted to work the specifics yet, either the ritual creates a talisman that lets whoever holds it control the creature or the caster has a direct bond with the creature. You...
  14. F

    Setting Search Innovations!

    I had two innovations designed for mine that unfortunately I was unable to really detail well in my submission due to a lack of time. My first concept was that the power for magic came from extraplanar sources. It could be gods, devils, demon lords or any of the myriad extraplanar sources...
  15. F

    What to do with a captured PC...

    It sounded to me that at the point you left off he wasnt captured yet. He was floating down to the ground and not necessarily anywhere near the orcs. I'd let him land somewhere in the forest and continue the chase. The hold person should only last a few rounds and unless the orcs are right on...