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Recent content by FionaSmythe

  1. FionaSmythe

    Pathfinder 2E "Everything I've Said So Far About the God Who Will Die" - Creative Director Luis Loza on Setting Shake-Ups Coming to PF2E in "War of Immortals".

    The results of APs absolutely do affect what happens in later APs. The Runelords trilogy, for example, have several years in between them. NPCs from earlier APs turn up in later APs, and the earlier events they were involved in inform what their state is in the new AP (e.g. Jade Regent). The...
  2. FionaSmythe

    Paizo Spicy hot take: Golarion isn't a setting...

    It has spread. There just isn't a huge supply, and places outside Numeria and Alkenstar don't have the raw materials and/or manufacturing facilities to start churning out their own stock.
  3. FionaSmythe

    Starfinder Tell me about the Drift Crisis

    The canon explanation for what happened and how it resolved is in the Drift Hackers adventure path. The Drift Crisis book goes into some of the post-resolution state of the galaxy and how the crisis plays out on various worlds, but the details of the cause and resolution are left vague in...
  4. FionaSmythe

    D&D 5E Any Thoughts On My Bard/Warlock Build?

    *turns up six months later with Starbucks* This build looks like a lot of fun, and I'm thinking of basing a lot of my gnome bard/warlock on your build ^_^ Do you have any ideas about level progression/order? I'm tempted to mainline the Warlock levels to get to the evocations and fancy Fey...