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Recent content by FishXXIII

  1. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    "Unless you are a far better mage than I give you credit for, that kill shot should have still left a body. Something is wrong here." Arcane Check1d20+7=16 Goeth Tobari - Tiefling Warlock (Infernal Pact) 1 Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 17 Init: +0, Speed: 6, AP: 1, Second Wind: not...
  2. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Goeth pushes forward, advancing at the beetle. He follows up the wizard's thunderwave with a eldritch dart of his own, but it seems to be ineffective. The warlock scowls as yet again his rage goes unfelt. Movement: Standard move to H19. Minor: Warlock's Curse on beetle at J20. Standard...
  3. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Nodding to his brother to follow, Goeth scambles up thje stage closer to the wizard to try and help mop up the fire beetles. Just going to double move up to F15. Can't really do much but get into a better position for next turn. Goeth Tobari - Tiefling Warlock (Infernal Pact) 1 Passive...
  4. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    "We have more pressing matters than the imp," the caster growls. "We have to try to use their strength against them." Darkness gathers around Goeth's outstretched hands he gestures to the beetle and the shadows swarm the monster, but disappate harmlessly. "This may be harder than we thought."...
  5. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    "I'll leave this to you, then." the warlock says with a jerk of his head to the beetle. He then turns to the stage, scanning it for the fleeing monster. Picking out the smoldering trail of the imp, he fires a purple dart that harmlessly pierces one of the soot clouds. "This is going to be harder...
  6. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    The chaos of battle quiets and fades in the mind's eye of Goeth once he sees his brother fall. Skirting the monster as best he can, the warlock rushes to his brother's side and tries to resuscitate him using a healing potion. "Drink, brother!" Move: Move to F7 Standard: Administer healing...
  7. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Player Fail. Edited order. Attempts at snappy dialogue will not be action-coded in the future.
  8. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    With a wicked snarl Goeth follows his brother into the room. As the paladin’s blade strikes its target, the warlock wills another purple dart forth and fires it into the flank of the weakened monster. The holy soldier’s warcry does illicit a chuckle from the arcanist, however. “There is no...
  9. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    B4 is fine. Put the meat shield in front of me. :+) I'll hold onto one of the healing pots unless someone else feels they need it.
  10. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Goeth begrudgingly continues to the stage with his little brother in tow. In frustration his knuckles whiten (relatively) as he tightens his grip on his rune-etched rod. "Guess we should start at the bottom of the food chain and work our way to the top?" Pretty much going to chew through Beetle...
  11. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Goeth drags both the loot and the elf to the edge of the fire near to some of the townsfolk. Having cleared his name of arson, he'd rather play it safe on any potential counts of murder or larcenty. After a departing kick to the mongrel he returns to the brigade-work.
  12. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    As the elf tries to scurry away Goeth focuses his will. The runes on his implement flare with a dark purple energy and coalesce into a single dart that speeds out towards the looter. The warlock smiles as he watches his prey attempt to outrun his messenger. Eldritch Blast +3 CON (1d20+3=19)
  13. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Without hesitation Goeth follows after the elf, arcane focus still in hand and vengence on his mind.
  14. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Even though the crowd seems to be warming to him, the fallen brother keeps his head down and focuses on the bucket brigade. A young girl cautiously hands him a bucket with fear and bravery playing across her face in equal measure. She stumbles, however, and the bucket spills. Goeth says nothing...
  15. F

    Fire! (Dunamin judging)

    Goeth's glare only gets more intense but he affixes his eyes to the ground, focusing on helping his brother on their fire brigade activities.