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Recent content by FourWinds

  1. F

    D&D (2024) Should the PHB have an arcane half caster?

    Strong disagree. Until 5e, every bard has capped out at 6th level spells at most. They have never been full arcane casters (aside from 4e, but that's hard to compare against the other class/level formats in this case). 5e definitely flies in the face of the "jack of all trades, master of none"...
  2. F

    D&D 4E 4e psudeo-retroclones

    Ahh, I think I understand. Anyways, I will head over and look a little deeper into what's happening there.
  3. F

    D&D 4E 4e psudeo-retroclones

    I think what worried me about that thread was people talking about mucking about with the 3.5e SRD - which is really unnecessary. At any rate, is all the discussion going on in that thread, then, or are there any other resources to look at?
  4. F

    Improving my pushy fighter

    Buff charisma and train diplomacy?...oh, i misinterpreted the title...
  5. F

    D&D 4E 4e psudeo-retroclones

    I agree with GreyICE 100%. What needs to happen, as Step 1, is to strip 4e down to its mechanical skeleton. Once we have that - which is dominantly mathematical - we can rebuild 4e around it. This is important because those mechanics cannot be copyrighted. It doesnt matter if its OGL or GSL...