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Recent content by Friendless

  1. Friendless

    Adventures in Elsir Vale before Red Hand of Doom starts? - please no RHoD spoilers

    jontherev, good ideas there, thank you. The G-Dude is certainly cut out to be an enduring BBEG. If he was any sort of G-Dude he'd have agents in the local towns and all sorts of contingency plans.
  2. Friendless

    Undermountain maps - yeck!!

    The Map-a-Week stuff often looks like crap. To exacerbate matters they publish them at 72dpi so even the non-crap ones can only be used for postage stamps.
  3. Friendless

    What do you think D&D is missing?

    D&D needs fewer numbers. Fewer skills, fewer miscellaneous bonuses, simpler combat. The system gets in the way of the roleplaying.
  4. Friendless

    Adventures in Elsir Vale before Red Hand of Doom starts? - please no RHoD spoilers

    Where do I find the other RHoD threads? I'm new here and haven't investigated all the nooks and crannies yet.
  5. Friendless

    Turning undead while paralyzed?

    I would rule that you have to be able to present your holy symbol, and that that involves movement, and you probably even have to say something intimidating like "Begone foul spawn!" Although if the cleric was silenced he could do an intimidating mime and that would be OK. Hmm... can undead see...
  6. Friendless

    Please clarify the epic class rules for me

    Gosh Arkhandus, thank you for that. My problem seems to be that I don't have the ELH. I was assuming it was possible to figure it out from what's in the PH and DMG. I'll also check out Eldritch Knight.
  7. Friendless

    Please clarify the epic class rules for me

    I'm getting confused again. So when I go from F10/W10 to F11/W10 I get all the stuff from F11 EXCEPT BAB and Saves which I get from epic 21? BTW can someone tell me the book and page of the rules which explains this?
  8. Friendless

    Please clarify the epic class rules for me

    Ooh, yuk. So if I'm a Fighter 11 / Wizard 11 you have to know what order I took the levels in to recalculate my BAB and saves?
  9. Friendless

    Please clarify the epic class rules for me

    I'm confused about character levels and class levels and epic levels. Say I'm a Fighter 10 / Wizard 10. When I go up a level can I choose to go to Fighter 11 and get the benefits that a Fighter 11 would get? Or do I get an "epic" fighter level which confers some slightly different benefit? I...
  10. Friendless

    DM Burnout or DM Frustration With His Players?

    Never depend on anyone to read anything. I'm a programmer and I tell you the reason developers don't document their code is because nobody ever reads it. They might say they want it, but they still won't read it. Give up and find some other way to solve the problem. People are even more...
  11. Friendless

    RHoD - villan renaming HELP

    Koth -> Shatrugh Saarvith -> Kaikeyi Ulawai -> Kousalya Kharn -> Jatayu
  12. Friendless

    How do you cope with only 4 characters in a party?

    Thanks for the pointer. I think I'll wait till the players cope OK with one class. To the poster who suggested I was out of touch with current D&D reality - yes indeedy! But I've just read through Red Hand of Doom and I can't yet imagine how my PCs are going to cope with the battles in there...
  13. Friendless

    How do you cope with only 4 characters in a party?

    In those days we were young and free and had to go to school every day anyway.
  14. Friendless

    How do you cope with only 4 characters in a party?

    When I was a lad and we played D&D, we usually had a party of 6 - two front row fighters, a cleric, a rogue, a wizard, and some sort of wacko like a monk or a bard or something - mostly there for the ride because they weren't very useful. I'm amazed that adventures are being sold these days for...
  15. Friendless

    Which prestige classes do you use?

    Although I don't particularly hate prestige classes, I agree with you here. I thought feats and skills were brilliant improvements to the game, and prestige classes do the same job but with special powers instead. To me, even the basic class concept struggles to have any sort of relevance to the...