Recent content by Frusticolus

  1. Frusticolus

    [UPDATED!] The Unsung (Female) Half of the D&D Team!

    This statement is as true as blue being a boy's color/pink being a girl's color.
  2. Frusticolus

    [UPDATED!] The Unsung (Female) Half of the D&D Team!

    I think it's worth asking why the hobby is so male dominated though. Women, generally/demographically speaking, are just as interested in games as men are. In listening to a fair number of women talk about their experiences, many feel pushed away from games because the space is so male...
  3. Frusticolus

    [UPDATED!] The Unsung (Female) Half of the D&D Team!

    That assumes that all people are starting from a level playing field within an industry. Also body parts are not gender.
  4. Frusticolus

    D&D 5E I Failed My Kobayashi Maru Scenario

    I think you've actually put yourself in a situation that not many people find themselves in. That is, you have players that are extremely emotionally invested in an NPC. Life and death can be fairly transient in D&D. You could probably make them go on a quest to recover the soul of Snik or...
  5. Frusticolus

    D&D 4E 4e players who converted to 5th edition

    I think they can be a bit clumsy because of the tracking you need to do vs. single use expenditure in 4e. The trade-off for that is more flexibility and distinction between different classes though, which 4e felt a little lacking in. So I think from the player perspective it's comes out ahead...
  6. Frusticolus

    D&D 4E 4e players who converted to 5th edition

    I started RPGs with 4e and 5e feels like losing 50 pounds and going running. I say this as a player in 4e and a player recently-turned DM in 5e.
  7. Frusticolus

    D&D 5E Again the Banishment spell ruined my game !

    This sounds like exactly the sort of thing that was written into the rules to encourage some story. If I were you, in the future I would think about the personality of the villain. Then come up with what would be something traumatic enough to warrant the banish spell, and work the acquisition...
  8. Frusticolus


    I think they're not legally allowed to disclose that information, so I don't think you'll be hearing that stuff anytime soon.