• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by fsnaig

  1. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    You folks have the most full-featured spreadsheet out there. I have looked at all of the others on the web, and yours is clearly the best. fsnaig
  2. fsnaig

    Making your own power cards

    You should be able to make PDF files directly from PowerPoint via the Print menu, or alternatively pulling up the PNG files into Word, using columns, and then Print to a PDF. fsnaig
  3. fsnaig

    Making your own power cards

    Thank you for the PowerPoint templates. This actually put me onto the idea of using the MSE components in PowerPoint itself, since I am a Macintosh user, and can't use the MSE program. The PNG files are easy to manipulate in PowerPoint, and can be used to create pretty much anything...
  4. fsnaig

    Making your own power cards

    Hi, Although your list of Powers is the most complete of the PDF files for the Ander00 set, when I exported the components as PNG (or other type of graphic) files, each Power didn't export as one PNG file per Power. This is how all of the other PDF files I have seen export. I was wondering why...
  5. fsnaig

    Making your own power cards

    Hi, I found a minor error, in that the Warlord Paragon Power Superior Tactics is not a Utility Power. Great work! fsnaig
  6. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Favorite Powers Hi, I like that the Sneak Attack power from the Multi Class Feat Sneak of Shadows appears as a possibility under Favorite Powers. However, the Weapon/Implement field does not display the weapon from either the Attack sheet or the Transport Attack sheet, whichever is the proper...
  7. fsnaig

    Making your own power cards

    Hi, Your cards are excellent, and my group is planning on using them. I have been adding text boxes to the PDF files to make them even more user friendly for players/GMs. I have one question: Are you planning on including the other, basic Class Features? I know you have included some of them...
  8. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Set the Print Area to include the entire sheet. Then go to Page Setup, and select Fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall. This should solve the problem. fsnaig
  9. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Hi, You requested clarification from me on several points. Here goes. Selection of Skill Training as a Feat triggers the list prompt, but the list is inaccessible, making actual selection of the Skill Training impossible. No idea what you mean here. Please give more details. On Character...
  10. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Hi, I caught another minor glitch with characters who take the Multi-Class Feat as a Rogue. On Character Sheet II within the Class/Path/Destiny Features: The second part of the full description (the part that describes the damage) of the Multi-class Sneak Attack from the Class Overview Sheet...
  11. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Hi, I found a few more minor problems as I was working on what a 30th level character might look like: On Character Sheet II: Cell BR63 incorrectly references Armor & Equipment K20, when it should reference K18. Selection of Skill Training as a Feat triggers the list prompt, but the list is...
  12. fsnaig

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    Hi, I really like the spreadsheet. It is the best one I have found on the web, by far. I found a couple minor things that need fixing: Eladrin Education: “Trainging” is misspelled, it should be “Training”. Feats Taken on Character Sheet II - Multiclass Feats - Sneak of Shadows: “rouge’s” is...