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Recent content by Glimbur

  1. G

    Handling the Feint in a Game

    You think you see an opening, so you swing but they were expecting it so they slide your weapon away leaving you exposed. You think they're winding up for a big overhead attack, so you block high but then they slide in a low quick thrust. There's a mistake in their footwork, except there...
  2. G

    Help me name my RP group

    Lots of approaches you could take here, only most of which are vaguely plagaristic. You could go for the pompous "League of Ordinary Gentlemen". You could be enigmatic with "The Guild". Maybe "Cubists", though that doesn't express your intent very clearly. "Children of the Cube" might work a...
  3. G

    Handling the Feint in a Game

    I would tell them about the feint because it seems like their character should know they just fell for a feint. Walking away from someone you are fighting is always (theoretically) an option, leaving a tricky fighter versus leaving someone who just hit you shouldn't be any different. As has...
  4. G

    D&D 3E/3.5 Custom Spells for 3.5 - Are these balanced?

    Deft Strike.... at low levels compare it to Sleep, Color Spray, Grease, Silent Image (with advantageous set-up), or Ray of Enfeeblement and this seems ok. It does mean your beatstick will probably hit with one attack, but it takes a standard action and is touch range. At middle levels it costs...
  5. G

    MoI Rules Question

    It's not clear. I would argue that the design intent is that you get an additional chakra bind which can only be used on the chakra which you open via the feat. That makes the feat pretty good, but you don't get that many feats. This does make it a more limited version of the Epic feat which...
  6. G

    LFG Cedar Valley area IA

    I'm looking to start/join a group near Cedar Falls, Iowa. I have the most experience with D&D 3.5, but I have played a number of other systems as well. I have a campaign idea which I'd be interested in running, or I could be a player. References available upon request.