• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by grimmdm80

  1. G

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    ok thanks for reminding me why I am typically not active on forums…now if you will excuse me I going back to the shadows with a comfy blanket and some tea…
  2. G

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    I would to point out a few details that some folks are overlooking… 1) KP released the BFRD Two days prior to the ToV Digital Launch. 2) I think it’s unfair to expect every company that publishes under any open license to release all of their IP or other such materials freely. If someone makes...
  3. G

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    That’s fine…whether you like D&D 2014 or D&D 2024-25 or Level up or Tales of the Valiant it’s good that there are options and 5e has went from being singular game line to an open gaming ecosystem.
  4. G

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    Sir? Am I understanding that you are “Disappointed “ that Kobold Press didn’t release ToV under the ORC license but instead released the BFRD under ORC that contains pretty much all of the inner workings of the game system with changes and updates made. But not all of the material contained with...
  5. G

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    Hello , long time lurker first time poster… So I really like what Kobold Press Did with ToV.. On the players side there more options to play with outside of gate with Linages, Heritages, Talents, and the fact they include a free conversion guide for those who want to throw their favorite...
  6. G

    Nominate your MOST ANTICIPATED RPG of 2024

    May I second the nomination of Kobold Press’s Tales of The Valiant? https://www.talesofthevaliant.com/