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Recent content by GrinningBuddha

  1. G

    Wizardry and Societal Verisimilitude, or Why Mages Need Muzzles

    I want wizards to feel distinct from one another, moreso than what was the case in 4e. If someone wants to run a non-specialist wizard, that's fine too. They will sacrifice specialized knowledge for breadth of knowledge. As for low level wizards dealing damage, I don't believe that should be...
  2. G

    Wizardry and Societal Verisimilitude, or Why Mages Need Muzzles

    I'm not so much looking for magic-users to have a minimal impact, I'm looking for them to have a flavorful and balanced impact on their society. Rather than having generic wizards with their generic at-will damage spells doing their best impersonation of mystical crossbowmen, I'd like to see...
  3. G

    Wizardry and Societal Verisimilitude, or Why Mages Need Muzzles

    Hello ENWorld denizens. It's my first time posting a thread here, and there's something I'd like to address. There is one thing that bothers me significantly about at-will spells in common society. In a world of 4 hp commoners and 5 hp town guards, a wizard who has access to a 2d4 + 2 at-will...
  4. G

    WotC Dave posts about "Prison Break" Playtesting

    Is it just me, or does anyone else find it interesting that a 2nd level wizard is doing approx. 3d6 damage to multiple opponents on the first round of the first encounter, then an average of 11 pts/round in the second encounter, including a 21 point <something> to finish the encounter? Blow...
  5. G

    D&D 4E Call a kender a kender? What should 4E "halflings" be called?

    Kender are immune to fear (mostly) and adept at taunting. 4E halflings have not been given these traits according to any information we've been given. Why would we call halflings kender when they share one measly trait between them?
  6. G

    Power Level of Characters Will Decline

    Beaten to the punch...
  7. G

    So... Anybody got a Light, Point of?

    *digs out his From The Ashes box set*
  8. G

    Humans are corruptible!

    I don't think that's where they are going with that...
  9. G

    New Design & Development: Feats

    Summoning has always had a strong arcane feel to me, so I'd be perfectly happy to have it as the sole domain of the arcane classes.
  10. G

    New Design & Development: Feats

    For those concerned about summoning being turfed completely, notice the Warlock entry: Warlock They make pacts with devils, feys, the starts, elemental powers. Their initial pact determines a large part of their powers. There are four types of it: Infernal, Fey, Vestige and Star. Primary...
  11. G

    New Design & Development: Paladin Smites!

    Wisdom vc. AC attacks and Wisdom vs. Will attacks. Yummy. While physical stats will be important for every character, we may be seeing paladins running around with their strength being one of their lowest stats. Force of will becomes more important than force of arms? I like the development...
  12. G

    Prophecy of the Priestess, Part 5

    Seems an awfully high level spell considering that these are approximately 2nd/3rd level characters. I can't see a 7th level gnome wizard being used here, though it's not impossible I guess. Looking back at the playtest report, I don't see a time where the gnome is described as attacking...
  13. G

    Prophecy of the Priestess, Part 5

    Don't forget the gnome arcanist who "sends bursts of magical energy that target one of Wilbur’s weaker attributes."
  14. G

    No Design and Developments article This Week?

    There were 6 Design & Development articles in October, so I think you're off-base. :) It's probably waiting to be put up by a harried web staff. <shrug>
  15. G

    Another Big Playtest Post from Michele Carter

    I was under the impression that warlocks are not restricted to infernal power sources. I'm sure I remember reading about celestial powered warlocks. Hmmm...