Recent content by Gryphon04

  1. G

    Pathfinder 2E Complexity vs. Depth -- A Look Inside Pathfinder 2nd Edition

    That's an amazing miracle to me Morrus. D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder was a mathematical nightmare. Trying to add celestial/fiendish templates to creatures on the fly, figuring out BAB with penalties and bonuses on the fly or, CMB or CMD on top of that and it only got worse at higher levels. I'd...
  2. G

    Pathfinder 2E Complexity vs. Depth -- A Look Inside Pathfinder 2nd Edition

    Agreed I completely agree. Once you add customization and complexity to the degree Pathfinder does, you're looking at spending more game time doing math than actual game play. Additionally, this addition of customization and options, increases the min/max opportunities that could break a...
  3. G

    D&D 5E Abyssal Chickens? Chwingas? Gnome Flayers?

    I would prefer to see the return of the Flumph than a gnome flayer, which is just annoying.
  4. G

    Chaotic Good Is The Most Popular Alignment!

    :blush:Chaotic Good wins, because players can't be anything else, it's too hard, and your DM won't let you be evil.
  5. G

    D&D 5E Dragon+ out celebrating 30 years of Drizzt.

    Ahh, such a shame. I'd rather have it in print. Dragon hasn't been Dragon, since they went to this digital non-sense.
  6. G

    Dragon+ Celebrates 30 Years Of Drizzt

    Ahh, such a shame. I'd rather have it in print. Dragon hasn't been Dragon, since they went to this digital non-sense.
  7. G

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    No, not much of a difference to be sure. In this case, I think the system Pathfinder is doing for proficiencies/skills is better than first ed. I think it just comes down to a matter of preference for that added extra detail
  8. G

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    Actually 1E introduced Proficiencies which were technically skills. Look at the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide and the Wilderness Survival Guide. I also mentioned them in a previous post. And yes, you could just do a free form role-playing without a lot of rules, but there is no need for layer...
  9. G

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    Charlaquin, in a way a proficiency system is unnecessary, since a GM and a player could decide what a player knows without a system; a simple ability check resolves everything. D&D 1E worked just fine without them until they were introduced in the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide and the Wilderness...
  10. G

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    Maybe a lot of people see it as unnecessary? I'll admit, I haven't seen the play test yet, but from what Arakasius and you Charlaquin have said, it does seem unnecessary to me. However, I'd have to see how it interacts at high level to be sure. Anyway, my 2 cents.
  11. G

    Pathfinder 2's Proficiency System Explored

    Charlaquin, I have played many different rpgs using different systems and through every iteration of D&D. Because of this eclectic experience, I've learned what works and what doesnt and also what may too complicated or unnecessary. While Pathfinder is a retooling and "simplifying" some...
  12. G

    Taking Nominees for Most Anticipated RPG of 2018

    Forbidden Lands and Witcher for me.
  13. G

    D&D 5E EN World Interview With Mike Mearls, Lead Designer of D&D Next

    Sheadunne, Your right healing, that is to say the magical healing clerics provide, should be a rarity. Everyone heals over time without magic even in the real world. i.e. rest, recuperation, nourishment, first aid, etc. The designers are simply creating a mechanic to reflect this is all. Will...
  14. G

    Death saving throw count

    Hey all, I found out about the death saving throws the hard way like eveyone else and actually had a pc die in LFR. I was not happy. Is anyone else unhappy with the way the rule is written? What would be the point of going through all the trouble of saving the pc only to have him die on a...