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Recent content by HeyJoe

  1. HeyJoe


    I don't understand. Why couldn't your fighter or thief character just as easily be of noble blood?
  2. HeyJoe

    Sacred Cows You Hope Die?

    Alignment. As it stands now it is too restrictive and unrealistic.
  3. HeyJoe

    Design & Dev: Monsters (DRAGONS!)

    Sort of off topic, but I don't like the new look for the dragons. I'll reserve judgement until I've seen the other colors besides green... but as it stands I think it looks awful with the big, clunky horns.
  4. HeyJoe

    Just Not Feelin' It...

    Hmmm I don't know if I like the slot machine analogy, but I do see what you are saying. The difference for me between WoW and a slot machine is the fact that with WoW I am at least engaging my mind... it's certainly more interactive than watching TV for example.
  5. HeyJoe

    Will I still love my girlfriend in 4th Edition?

    Sounds good. Replace the inherent drama with simple gratification.
  6. HeyJoe

    Just Not Feelin' It...

    Wow, this directly contradicts one of the quotes in your signature... but then, maybe you just put that quote in there to seem reasonable. So I am a sucker because I play an MMO that I enjoy? I would say more, but I don't care to have my account banned. You fill in the blanks.
  7. HeyJoe

    Why D&D Should Be More Like WoW

    As much as I enjoy WoW, I would prefer that D&D NOT become "like WoW". Apparently Chris Metzen, WoW's lore guru, feels the same since he is also the creative head behind the Warcraft RPG which uses the D20 system.
  8. HeyJoe

    Malibu Stacey has a new hat!

    To be honest, the D&DI Tabletop is the only thing that interests me about 4e. It seems like it might be the solution for those of us who no longer are able to get together in the traditional sense for a D&D session.
  9. HeyJoe

    D&D 4E 4e Classes

    Interesting... so a warlord is similar to a WoW paladin and EQ bard all rolled into one.
  10. HeyJoe

    Are you dropping WoW for D&DI?

    Interesting article, but I don't see how or where he is at all negative concerning WoW or any other MMORPG.
  11. HeyJoe

    D&D 4E 4e Classes

    I've been out of the loop admittedly (never played 3e) but what exactly is a warlord and what sets it apart from other melee based classes? To me it sounds like more of a title than a class.
  12. HeyJoe

    Are you dropping WoW for D&DI?

    I would imagine they will offer alternative methods such as prepaid game cards or the option to use PayPal. WoW and other MMOs use both of these, so I can't imagine why WoTC wouldn't do the same. If it brings them more customers, it's a win-win situation.
  13. HeyJoe

    Are you dropping WoW for D&DI?

    With the new expansion coming out for WoW, not bloody likely! I'll try D&DI however, and we'll see.
  14. HeyJoe

    Gno more gnomes?

    Just because they don't give a race "official" space in the PHB doesn't mean you can't still play it...
  15. HeyJoe

    Will I still love my girlfriend in 4th Edition?

    Girlfriends are overrated and should be removed completely from 4e, or any other gaming environment unless they also share interest in said game.