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Recent content by His Dudeness

  1. H

    Dear Mike & Monte

    Bring back the danger. The thing of going into a dungeon is the real possibility that you may not come out alive. Also kill the 5 room dungeon dead, it's boring.
  2. H

    Dilemna: Should I Quit RPGs?

    Grow some balls and get your :):):):) together. At the end of the road, the only people that really care about you, is well, you. Asking for sympathy on a game forum is pointless. I used to be on the same boat as you, but a lot earlier in life. I was about 21, smoked two packs a day, had a...
  3. H

    The Future of Computers in D&D

    As long as it says out of the table, OK computer.
  4. H

    d12 system: yay or nay?

    Dominion Rules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I like it quite a bit.
  5. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    We will just have to agree to disagree. I think it's an excellent mechanic to provide a differentation between the clerics of different religions and adds a lot of flavor to the game. Lacking things like this is why newer editions don't appeal to me. It seems this is the inverse to you and while...
  6. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    It is not sudden and it is not punishing the PCs (weird concept that, first time I've heard such thing was in this thread). If the PC is going to play a cleric, he knows that if his deity is a demigod or has a lesser status he is going to be limited in power. Want power? Follow a more important...
  7. H

    Miniatures, yay or nay?

    After experimenting a bit I've discovered that It's not the minis I dislike, it's the grid and counting spaces.
  8. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    In that case it generally requires a sacrifice to act as a proxy, and a ritual in order to summon the demon. That is why a low level cultist can summon thingies. Is not like he casts summon devil, he goes through a process to summon one.
  9. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    She can grant spells to her followers. They are limited in scope by its portfolio and in power by her rank in the divine hierarchy. That's like asking for Robin to have the same power level as Batman.
  10. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    Why are you assuming that both dieties have the same power level to share, if such power level comes from the number of believers in the first place? Let's take Tempus, major diety and god of war, battle, conflict, warriors, etc. He is a very powerful god, since war and battle are happening all...
  11. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    About the bolded part, that is not always the case. For example, in FR (pre Godswar) it does not happen simply because while they have a higher power level than most mortals, they don't have the same power level as the patron deity. This is made to give the game world a feeling of...
  12. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    What? I'm not saying that. I'm saying that they don't have the same power level as a greater diety to give to it's follower. Again, take into account that pantheons are organized hierarchically. It is not as simple as giving all your power to your followers, you also have to respond to your...
  13. H

    Deity power level = Joke?

    How can it give what it doesn't have? And most weaker deities are servants of stronger deities, like it happened in earth pantheons. Also the world is no though out in terms of what makes sense from a PC perspective or what is more convenient for PCs. I do not share your opinion on the subject.
  14. H

    Did the Brits do it better?

    Depends on what you like. If you like plot driven adventures, I guess they did it better. If you like exploring a world with little to no plot, then I would assume that they are not very good. I have the aniversary edition of against the giants and I do not find it "random". The strongholds...
  15. H

    D&D 3E/3.5 AD&D 2nd vs 3.5

    I like 2e better. I mean, I have played both games and the end result is pretty much the same. Only that in 3.x I have to know more rules, I have customize and optimize my characters, the unified mechanic is broken, the saving throws are boring and the balance is lacking. They unified the XP...