Recent content by IvarBoneCrusher

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    Judges Guild Founder died today.

    And by the way For those who are wondering why so many people, including the late Gary Gygax, expressed so much appreciation and gratitude for Bob Bledsaw's contributions to D&D and the Fantasy Role Playing Game industry, you might want to grab a copy of City State of the Invincible Overlord...
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    Judges Guild Founder died today.

    Bob Bledsaw Bob was a really, really great guy. I mean aside from the fact that he was one of the very small circle of people who really made this hobby and the game of D&D what it is and what so many people love (again, check out Gary Gygax's opening comments in the Players Handbook and...
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    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    The Giants Are Fading... The giants are fading into twilight. Their days dwindle as the sun sets on their glorious era. To some it seems that just yesterday these giants – Gary Gygax being chief among them, but also Arneson, Bledsaw, Trampier, Sutherland, Willams, Otis, and their cirle of...
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    So far it seems to be doing well: So somebody's buying it! Looking for feedback, so if you've got your copy, let us know your thoughts. Thanks!
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Citadel Of Fire on shelves now Citadel of Fire is definitely on the shelves at your local RPG/hobby shop or web site. Go check it out and let us know what you think. Thanks!
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Citadel of Fire Preview is up! Good news: the preview is posted on the Goodman Games website, and copies are shipping to game stores now. Should be available early next week (some places might actually have them this weekend)...
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Judges Guild Dave, No problem. Just do me a favor and make sure you put your hard-earned dough where your heart is: buy the Wilderlands of High Fantasy boxed set, and the Judges Guild modules from Goodman Games. The Gaming industry is hitting another cross-roads. The viability of...
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Now that you mention it... Dusty, We're not toying with you. There may be some good news for you about Dark Tower sometime in the near future. If you're that big a fan of Judges Guild, bookmark the Goodman Games "Coming Soon" page and check it regularly. It might make your day sometime this...
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Citadel of Fire -Judges Guild/Goodman Games (Old School, baby...) Yeah, the thing with Judges Guild is that it's a double-edged sword. Any D&D fans over 30 likely have some kind of recollection/perception of the Judges Guild, and I've found that it's largely very positive and very nostalgic...
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    Citadel of Fire in stores now (JG/Goodman Games)

    Citadel of Fire has been placed on the Goodman Games “Coming Soon” page with a tentative May release date! Check out the preview of the cover and some sample text on the Goodman Games website: A preview will be posted in the near future. This is a...
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    IL, Chicago (North Side): Looking for the perfect D&D game

    Nazlith, I hear ya about football season. If you'll take note of the hours I've offered on Sunday, that's basically why they're so restricted. I had a Tuesday night game going for a short while, but the players had to abort. All I need are about 3 new players and I think I can resurrect...
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    IL, Chicago (North Side): Looking for the perfect D&D game

    Hello, 34 Yr. old busy professional & family guy trying to organize a regular weekly D&D game. Looking for mature folks with similar interests in getting a core D&D game going on Chicago's North side. I've dabbled in 3rd edition, but I would like to join a full-fledged 3e campaign to get the...
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    Chicago North Side Game Wow, What a blizzard of replies to this post! Maybe Chicago isn't the desert of gaming that I thought it was... Some of you I've already corresponded with on my WotC ad, but others I haven't. I'm looking to form or join a 3rd edition D&D campaign on the North Side...