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Recent content by Karsten Crump

  1. K

    I think i've got it figured out!(My New Dragon!)

    Thanks for the advice, Friend. I totally did not realize that CR on a monster was equivalent to level on a PC! Silly me. Also, thanks for pointing out the typo in the dragon's disguise ability. That would have made it super hard for anyone but me to run the monster. What do you think of its...
  2. K

    I think i've got it figured out!(My New Dragon!)

    If you haven't please read my other thread (just the topic post) here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?647151-Help-me-plan-my-adventure!-Dragons-are-too-powerful! I think I figured out how to have both a cool, non-lame dragon encounter and PC's that survive it in a relatively low...
  3. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    Hey, um, for low level characters, say under level 3, I consider " a few d6" a death sentence, or at least a mortal wound, because I've had level one PC's drop to zero from one well placed goblin arrow. I want to challenge my players, but I don't want to put in unavoidable damage, or worse, kill...
  4. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    Hey, when you say at-level, how would one go about leveling a monster? I'm not exactly a pro DM. I looked on the internet and found nothing. Is it really just like leveling a player? Thanks
  5. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    I agree. Baby dragon is OUT! I realized that it would totally cheapen the experience, and have realized that my party actually might have a chance against a young dragon. Thanks for the replies and have a good adventure!
  6. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    Holy God! Good idea! Wow, that was a lot more detailed than I expected from a first ever post. Thanks for the encouragment and the amazing ideas. I think, since this adventure will be part of a series of short little 3-4 session adventures, I will use your Idea as a buildup to a confrontation...
  7. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    Ya see, I don't know what level my party will be. I'm kinda looking for suggestions on that, thanks for the comment anyway, its a huge help.
  8. K

    Young and Adult dragons too powerful?

    A young dragon against a level 2 party? What? Ummmm... WHAAAT? A level 2 party against a freakin DRAGON? I don't know about you, but If I was a level two dude with all my other level 2 dudes, I would probably be anhihilated by the dragon's obscene hit damage(2d10 + 2 + 1d8 for a bite)...
  9. K

    Help me plan my adventure! Dragons are too powerful!

    I'm currently designing the sequel to my own 30-page-ish adventure, and I would like to include a dragon, but I plan for the second adventure to be around the same length as the first and I fear my players won't have a chance against it. Somebody help! Give me Ideas! How can I do dragony stuff...