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Recent content by Klintus Fang

  1. K

    Anthony Valterra's 11/13 post important info

    re: resizing the window I do not think there is any work around for that. And yes it really is annoying. Nothing like having a 1280 wide display and having eTools barely able to fill half of it.... But anyway, it's a minor annoyance.
  2. K

    Anthony Valterra's 11/13 post important info

    I agree with jdavis and others. Templates are an integral part of the 3e system and I am dissapointed that they were not included and would really like to see template support added. but... I think is is more important to fix the many existing bugs first. That list is quite long. I also...
  3. K

    Fluid's Boards Down

    Re: e-tools **double sigh** WoTC's handling of eTools is not at all typical of the software industry. Most companies that produce software support the products they produce at least until they become obsolete. So far, WoTC is not supporting their product, which is very atypical of the...
  4. K

    Campaign Reference Database...

    fwiw: I've been gradually converting all my static campaign info in an xml format and creating simple xsl stylesheets to display it in a browser. It enables me to be pretty organized, and also lets me create really sweet formatting (in the xsl stylesheets) without any bs. and allows me to...
  5. K

    Programming D&D utilities for Microsoft's .NET framework

    and I'll pass it up every time. if it is as slow as Java usually is. to each his own I guess... ;)
  6. K

    OGC and what a RPG should be?

    Re: I stand by my original statment I work for a large company that protects its intellectual property very obsessively (I think most do nowadays). I've seen how compicated it can be to release anything. If I were to write a short research paper for an obscure academic journal that even...
  7. K

    OGC and what a RPG should be?

    Re: Fogness in general not so sure about the tree hugging aspect.... the chemicals in the back of your montor's cathode ray tube are pretty noxious and will likely prevent a fair number of plants from ever growing if not disposed of very carefully... :p
  8. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    but it all does point at an interesting thought. a tcp/ip solution might be a work-around for language or compiler issues, though I think there are better solutions if that's the only problem. I still don't think it helps cross-platform issues. the only way I see to do that is to use...
  9. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    Luke: you are right about different compiler's having difficulty reading each other's libraries. I've had quite a number of problems with this on Linux as we use two different Linux compilers at work. On windows though, I must admit I haven't used any thing other than MS's compiler in a...
  10. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    I'm interested in seeing if there is some data format that can be converged upon. There are so many possibilities that that task seems gigantic. I'm not interested in taking a lead on that though. It makes sense for someone who actually has a program with some content to share to lead that...
  11. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    The last application you describe Sm!rk sounds a lot like NWN or Everquest or Ultima Online! :eek: As for coding to another small developers SDK, how comfortable I am with that really depends on what the development environment looks like and how restrictive it is. If its simple, lightweight...
  12. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    well, gui's are always the problematic issue there, though there are multi-platform gui development packages out there. I've never used them, don't know how good they are, and don't even know what they are called, but I do know that at least one exists on the market.
  13. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    This is an excellent idea. Of course it does probably lock out non-windows users. Or does campaign suite compile on other platforms? but at this point, even though I like and use linux, I don't really care about that anymore. shoot, I even develop my linux code nowadays using MSVC++...
  14. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    Davin: that is true. I thought of that too. but the only person who has the right to distribute such content would be the owner of the content, and that is not any of us. my philosophy there is let them worry about how to distribute their content. it's their's after all. and the...
  15. K

    A standard RPG gaming API

    I have a dice rolling dll/static library that I wrote as well. It abstracts away the random number generator and instead provides a series of die data objects. It also over rides some of the basic operators so you can put the "dice" in arithmetic expression. I even over rode the ',' operator...