• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Leareth

  1. Leareth

    Please Help!!!

    Do you have any more info on your video card? If it isn't specificly labeled as GForce or a RADEON there is a good chance it can't meet the 3d graphics requirements of the game. Upgrading to the latest drivers for your card would definatly not hurt. Leareth
  2. Leareth

    Half-Life 2 hardware requirements?

    From the box. Min specs 1.2 ghz processor, 256MB RAM, DirectX7 level graphics card, Windows XP/200/ME/98, 4.5 GB of avalible HD space, mouse, keyboard, Internet connection required
  3. Leareth

    Need help furnishing a demon's mansion. [My players be gone!]

    I can only think of a few suggestions right now. Fairly standard mansion rooms would be a library, study, formal entertaining room, formal dinning room, parlor, and servants rooms. There may well be informal versions of the formal rooms or just one room that he uses to live and entertain but it...
  4. Leareth

    Question for Geneticists & Biologists about DNA sequence nomenclature?

    Heh. Looks like everyone else got here before me. Yeah gene nomenclature is wierd stuff. You want some really silly gene names check drosophila, they have some silly ones in there. Also I'd like to mention that sequence, or parts of sequences, searching is posible and is usualy what we currently...
  5. Leareth

    Warcraft RPG - Anyone Have It?

    Here is a thread at rpg.net that has some info. Rpg.net Warcraft Thread Leareth
  6. Leareth

    Anime Music

    I'll throw a couple ones in for the heck of it. I'm not sure exactly what you like so I'll just throw some stuff I like out. Ghost in the Shell- Stand Alone Complex's Inner Universe and maybe Lithium Flower. You will have to most likely download these since the series is still in progress in...
  7. Leareth

    what anime should I start collecting?

    I'd recomend you look up Lupin the 3rd: Castle Cagliostro. It's a movie Miyazaki did for an already esablished sieries. I personaly love Lupin and Castle Cagliostro is a good intro. I will also recomend Fruits Basket. I love it and I admit it has made me both laugh and cry. It is also very...
  8. Leareth

    ENWorld women

    Leareth aka Lisa here. I'm a native Californian. I've been table top gaming for about a decade. I've played all incarnations of D&D and play and collect several other systems. I have a BS in Genetics which I'm doing nothing with. :D I am also a computer and console gamer. I have and had more...
  9. Leareth

    Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

    I love this. Sagiro that is just evil. I love everything about this story. I'm going to be giggling like a mad woman for the rest of the night. Can't wait for more. Leareth