• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


I started playing D&D when I was 7 years old, back in 1978, the game itself was barely 4 years out of the gate. In the years that I have played, I've enjoyed just about every genre of gaming there is. Be it GURPS, Palladium, Shadowrun, White Wolf, even Teenagers from Outerspace, I've played just about everything that has come down the pike. I've also DM'd just about every game I've played, but above all, D&D has always been My favorite game.
I've also branched out and played Boardgames, Cardgames(both collectable and non), Figuring games (both the newer Clickables and D&D prepaint small tactic games, and also older large battle games like Warhammer), Tile games like Alexander the great, Dice games, Disc games (Disc-wars) and almost every other variation on gaming you can see.
I find D&D to be the ultimate stress relief in My life, and combined with computers and reading, make up some of My chief hobbies (although by no means all)
Mar 3, 1971 (Age: 53)
Springfield, Mo