• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by MadLuke

  1. M

    Dungeon PbEM

    D&D 5.0 support Find out the new features available from the application to support the new D&D 5.0 rules book. All DMs and players of this edition are invited to contact us to point at additional features or updates they wish to be implemented!
  2. M

    Dungeon PbEM

    Character build You can now record the build for each character. Most of all, you can input HD, BAB & Saving Throws modifier as constant or as arithmetic expressions, so you can input just once for the whole character progression. Bye, MadLuke.
  3. M

    Dungeon PbEM

    Arrange any character abilities with the D&D 3.5 point buy system. http://www.dungeonpbem.net/Guest/AbilityArrange.aspx Bye, MadLuke.
  4. M

    Dungeon PbEM

    The master can now enable any player to roll dices herself. In the Master Screen he set the checks rollable by players. Each PC owners then can go in the post page and easily roll it with a click. Furthermore the new check option enables both Master and Player to make any free dice rolls! Bye...
  5. M

    Advice for hiring a cohort

    Well, I pondered again and I realized that in my first 8 levels career, the hardest part hasn't been the stealth situations, missing healings but the pure combat. Facing a bear, or stirge, or gargoyles with no escape... And I just used Total defense waiting for my allies to rescue me. So I opted...
  6. M

    Advice for hiring a cohort

    Ops, cannot heal... I don't mind: it's a divine spellcaster, it's a fighter and it's mischievous just as required. :-)
  7. M

    Advice for hiring a cohort

    A cleric you said... would be good at combat but absolutely not reliable on stealth. Your idea was right but I did better: a Corrupter (NE anti-paladin). Good at stealth, able to heal me, a bit of magic and most of all a connection to the church I strongly belong to. The master will choose...
  8. M

    Advice for hiring a cohort

    You're right, but the fact is that my PC is actually alone since I often play against my mates (that don't know "what" really I am). :-)
  9. M

    Advice for hiring a cohort

    Hi to all, I still have my female human very charmful, very Shar devoted and shadow weave oriented (a lot of social skills, a little of roguish ones also, completely unable at combat) and I'm in Calimport. I got the leadership feat and I was wondering what kind of cohort it would be more...
  10. M

    Dungeon PbEM new feature

    Two characters are close to the fireball explosion sphere, a third one instead is crossing a poisonous area. The new item properties enable the Master to design new items with an image or not, just by setting shape, color and transparency of a polygon he can subsequently place on the map...
  11. M

    Dungeon PbEM new feature

    Take a look to the enriched spell panel & sheet! The new feature automatically calculate spell caster level and DC saving throw. Bye, MadLuke.
  12. M

    Come back to Calimport

    AS. I don't know if this is the right thread to post my question, since it leave aside the edition or game system even. Hi guys, I have a small question about the Calimshan. Let's make me clarify before: MY CHARACTER: lived all his youth in Suldolphor, a couple of years in Calimport...
  13. M

    Dungeon PbEM

    Both Player and Master, can have a quick preview of their character(s) from any page, without having to browse other tabs. Bye, MadLuke.
  14. M

    Approach wild animal without wild empaty

    Just capture it! :D Thank you, MadLuke.
  15. M

    Approach wild animal without wild empaty

    Hi guys, I feel I'm drown in an inch of water: one of my player, a pure fighter, is trained at Handle Animal, but he hasn't the wild empaty feat. Now he met a raven in the forest and he wants to approach it. So, how can he handle it, if he can't make Diplomacy check before? Bye, MadLuke...