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Recent content by Mamacat

  1. M

    True 20 - Who here has played it, and what was your experience?

    I've played it and run it, and I really love it. I have to agree, it works best for homebrewed campaign worlds, or the Blue Rose game (both of which I've run). I found it much easier to run, play, and to explain to other people than other systems. It works for modern games as well as fantasy...
  2. M

    Midnight 2nd Edition

    IMO, I'd save your money, and get Black Company. It's a much better setting, and it's only one book. A lot more flexible, better value, better writing...just better all around. I ended up selling all my midnight stuff, and just using Black Company.
  3. M

    Forked Thread: Three more days

    While I hate asking for a "nanny", and I think having different forums for the editions should work, I've also noticed people trying to get around the restriction. So, I would say to extend it once. And where's the punch and pie??? :p
  4. M

    Forked Thread: Rules for Parents who Bring Their Kids to Their Game

    How fun - my daughter's name is also Maeve! I agree with this - you have to be responsible for your own kids, of course. Our best solution was to offer to host games at our house. That way, there is plenty for our daughter to do, and she's comfortable.
  5. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    That's why I called them "hints" instead of rules - no absolutes, just tips from someone who's been a gamer girl for a long, long time (OMG, has it been 23 years ALREADY???) and a parent for a short time. :)
  6. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    I'm starting to wonder...my thread about female gamers got slightly hijacked into a dragonborn boobies discussion, and this one had a lot of talk about backsides...Should I be worried, or is it just me? :p:lol:
  7. M

    Pathfinder 1E So what's up with Pathfinder minis?

    Is Pathfinder as dependent on minis as 4e is? I haven't had a chance to really read or play Pathfinder yet, is why I'm asking. I'm probably still going to pick it up at Gen Con, mainly because I can't think of anything else I'm going to want - except a couple of books at the Green Ronin booth.
  8. M

    Some cool reads

    As a children's librarian, I sometimes come across a cool book that I think gamers would like, but might miss because it's written for kids or teens, even though it can be enjoyed by anyone. I thought I'd post a few titles, in case anyone is looking for something new and different to read...
  9. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    OK, in that situation, that is someone burdening a game with their kids. But when my husband and I put together our current group, we made it plain up front that we have a daughter, and are planning another baby, and so kids are a part of our household. We also can't afford a babysitter...
  10. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    I'd forgotten about that book - it is cute. I sort of skimmed it, since I'm already a gamer, but good idea! :)
  11. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    Yes, I do live in such a country, but that does not mean I do any of those things, and I'll thank you not to imply I do.
  12. M

    I deleted your email unread

    Yes, I got your email, and I deleted it unread. I'm not interested in reading how what you did was somehow my fault - like the email you sent making everything his fault when my husband told you why he quit your game. I have too much going on in my life right now to rehash this with you. If...
  13. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    Yep. We just don't have the money for a sitter every week - we barely have money for a sitter once a month, which is why we go for a movie. We know exactly how long we'll be gone, etc. And we always game at our house, or literally right next door, where our daughter is welcome, and we can...
  14. M

    Die Rolls or Point-Buy

    I hate the point buy system. What we do is have the players roll six sets of stats, then place them where it makes sense for their characters. Sort of the best of both worlds. :)
  15. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    Is what legal, spanking? Or spanking someone else's kid? The answers, in that order, are yes technically, and no technically.