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Recent content by Mathew Lankard

  1. Mathew Lankard

    Help me realize why this is broken. (Spell Points)

    So it's not that I have anything in particular against the vancian system but I've been trying to get spell points working in my game for a few months. My main problems with the system in UA is two fold. I've seen several forum threads about how there are not enough points along with alternate...
  2. Mathew Lankard

    [Full] Scourge of The Howling Horde

    Yes it is still going down.:P Your concept sounds good Lobo, and i'd be glad to have you Autumn. Yes this will be pretty much standard Greyhawk. Once everyone has characters posted I will start the threads and get things rolling.
  3. Mathew Lankard

    Do you fold multiple skills into one?

    This is something I've been considering doing for awhile. The suggestions here all look pretty solid. Anyone have any experience with removing the cross class skill cap?
  4. Mathew Lankard

    Magical Item Compendium II-Staffs

    Thanks for reposting the info, Wizards is still down. Looks very cool!
  5. Mathew Lankard

    [Full] Scourge of The Howling Horde

    Your character looks good hero. If you wanna write up a short background and fill in the details you'll be good to go. Good question dave_o! My goal at first is to finish the module, but I definitely am interested in taking the game further on to other adventures if people are interested...
  6. Mathew Lankard

    [Full] Scourge of The Howling Horde

    I'm looking to start a PBP using the WotC Adventure "Scourge of the Howling Horde". This is my first 3.5 game in almost a year so I thought a nice first level adventure would help me get back into things :) I'm looking for 4 1st level characters, using 28 point buy. I would like to use the...
  7. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run IC Thread

    A'nas moves to take a clear shot and fires his bow. OOC I'm not sure where the enemies will end up on my action, so I'll move to where I have a clear shot and fire on whoever presents the most danger to the rest of the party. Masterwork Composite Longbow w/Point Blank Shot 1d20+10=26 Damage...
  8. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run OOC Thread

    That in fact, is exactly what I was thinking. :) I assumed after the battle we would all introduce ourselves.
  9. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run OOC Thread

    Yea that's the impression I got. So far so good. :)
  10. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run IC Thread

    Feeling the rush of battle after downing his foe, A'nas moves to take a better shot. He brings up his bow and aims for the thug engaged with the other helpful bystander. OOC I wasn't sure if the party had previously met or not. I'm moving to D-4 and firing at 3. If he is already down I will...
  11. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run IC Thread

    Slowly adjusting to the sudden comotion, A'nas stands up, removing his bow from his back and nocking an arrow in a smooth gesture. A'nas looks towards Shadow, "Do you know these men?"
  12. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run OOC Thread

    Can we post our actions out of initiative order? If we are taking attack actions should we just name a target and post a roll in the IC thread?
  13. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run OOC Thread

    I'm updating my RG post with my Character description and a brief background.
  14. Mathew Lankard

    Man on the Run OOC Thread

    I've been doing some research for my background in the from of reading up in my Eberron books and wow, this setting kicks ass. I have some ideas so far but was wondering if there is anything we should be aiming for or specifics you'd like us to include. Right now I'm planning on having my...
  15. Mathew Lankard

    Recruiting for Eberron - Man on the Run (1 spot), alts always welcome

    I posted my stats in the RG thread, let me know if there are any problems.