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Recent content by Mercury

  1. M

    MBA Assignment

    The professor doesn't care about the content of the pictures so much, as he cares that we found innovative ways to obtain the pictures. Obviously, most of the other students are going to have pictures of people imitating the sexual connotations of the pictures (which is perfectly acceptable)...
  2. M

    MBA Assignment

    Greetings All! I wanted to seek out your help with an assignment I have been given for my MBA (not the attack) New Venture Strategies course. I need to obtain 3 pictures of strangers displaying one of the following 3 concepts: 1. Missionary 2. "Let me introduce you to my little...
  3. M

    Retrain Half-Elf Dilettante Power?

    I searched and could not find anything definitive, but I was wondering if there are any rules allowing (or disallowing) the retraining of a Half-Elf's dilettante power.
  4. M

    Heroes #19 :Shades of Gray/season 3/2009

    Did anyone notice the new pair of socks Angela pulled out of her purse (not out of a shopping bag) while in the taxi? I thought that was a small but nice reminder of her arrest for shop lifting in Season 1.
  5. M

    Sword Implement

    A player in a campaign I run plays a ranger who has multiclassed into wizard and would like to enchant his off-hand longsword to be an implement. He offered up the following enchantment: Eladrin Spell Sword Eladrins forge these blades from the ancient teachings of the Spiral Tower to combine...
  6. M

    Battlestar Galactica#11-Sometimes a Great Notion/Season 4 Finale

    Jsut a thought, but couldn't Starbuck be a younger version of Ellen? As Kara (cylon) grows older, she looks more and more like Ellen. Just a thought.
  7. M

    Extended Rest House Rule

    My group is looking at doing something similar. It does not make sense that if you took a severe beating the day before (you are at 1 hit point and have used all of your surges), that the next morning you wake up totally refreshed. We were going to all you to heal 1 surge + half your level in...
  8. M

    Questions from out first run through...

    3a So, is there a consensus on 3A? Can you move diagonally across a square currently occupied by an opponent? Thank you for your responses. This should make tonights KotS adventure flow more smoothly.
  9. M

    Questions from out first run through...

    I tried looking around for the answers to these questions, but thus far, I have been unsuccessful. Any insight or references you can provide would be greatly appreciated! 1. Allies: Are you considered your own ally? 2. When healing a dying character. does the first heal spell/surge used...
  10. M

    Thieves Campaign

    Greetings All. My friends and I have started up a thieves campaign which we are all planning on taking turns GMing. It is going to be my turn to run things soon, and I am having trouble coming up with interesting ideas. I was wondering if anyone has played in a similar campaign...
  11. M

    Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#26)---10/08/07-'Kindred'

    My thoughts: Picture 8/8: The Claire we see in the picture isn't Claire at all. It is Sylar using Candace's power. Sylar has had the intention of killing Claire for sometime, and we know he has it in for HRG. The Twins: In episode two, it is mentioned that Maya has the "Power to kill the...
  12. M

    [GoT] Maesters

    Could someone please fill me in on the role maesters play within the Game of Thrones setting, and perhaps a little insight into their mechanics in the RPG? A friend is thinking of starting a GoT campaign, and he recommended I play a Maester. Thanks!
  13. M

    Some simple debian ?'s

    Hello all, I am new to Linux and I have jsut installed Debian, but I have a few noobie questions I am hoping to get help with. I have checked online, but there is more information than I can sort through. 1. How do I install updated drivers for my computer? For instance, I have the Mobility...
  14. M

    Angel 3/3/4 (Spoilers)

    Just a few small tidbits... Actually, we have seen one of the Senior Parnters. It was in Season 2 Episode 15 "Reprise (pt 1)." Wolfram and Hart were having there 75th year review, or something like that, and a senior partner was making a personal visit. Angel kills him using a mystical...
  15. M

    Angel - 4/30 (SPOILERS)

    Ok, I have been quiet and lurking for far to long, so here is what I noticed. Lilah did not "open" the blinds in the preview for next week. We see her resting against the front of her desk as the blinds open(she has nothing in her hands). She starts to move from her resting position...