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Recent content by MikeWilliams

  1. M

    Tell players target save DCs or let them sweat?

    I usually don't tell my players what the DCs are for saves. That way, it gives me more room to fudge: Wow, none of the players rolled better than 11. Well, since I don't want to bask in the glory of a total party kill, it's time to say that the save DC was actually 9, not 17.
  2. M

    Your RPG moment of 2003

    The high point of 2003 was my Earthdawn rules/Planescape setting campaign. The third game of the campaign, it left my hands as the players explored Sigil. Sure, I had a plot that I'd planned on getting to, but that was secondary to the players exploring this city that was new to them - plot...
  3. M

    Support Your Local Game Store?

    We sell our products for full MSRP at game conventions. In our opinion, it's called MSRP for a reason. If we offer a 10% discount on, say, the 30 dollar Earthdawn core rulebook, then what we're saying is that the book is actually worth 27 dollars rather than 30. Hence, it's in our best interest...
  4. M

    I would like to buy a MEGA-adventure

    Take a look at City of the Spider Queen. It does alot of things quite right. I'm particularly fond of the time spent on the reactions that the denizens of the Underdark will have to the incursions by the PCs.
  5. M

    Monte Cook reviews 3.5

    As something of a rebuttal to all of the folks who have said that they aren't going to purchase the 3.5 books because of Monty's review, I'd like to comment that I'd been planning to pick up the 3.5 PH and DMG, but Monty's review was enough for me to decide that I need to pick up the MM as well.
  6. M

    Does your group use a DM Screen?

    Since there was no "sometimes" choice, I voted yes. If I know that I've got some stuff that I need to keep concealed from my players, then I break out a DM's screen. Usually, though, my DM's notes are in a cryptic script known as my terrible handwriting, and that's often more than enough to keep...
  7. M

    Best d20 products?

    Right now we don't have any plans to do a d20 Earthdawn. But, I will point out that Steve Kenson wrote some keen Earthdawn d20 material at: http://members.aol.com/talonstudio/earthdawn/
  8. M

    Best d20 products?

    I suggest taking a look around, and seeing which companies have been publishing d20 material for a while, and are still at it. There's a reason that they've survived as publishers during the era of many, many d20 releases.
  9. M

    The problem with FLGS

    Joe, Both Game Chest and Lonestar have great special order policies if they don't have what you're looking for in stock. Another good store in the D/FW area is Generation X Comics and Games in the Euless/Bedford area. D/FW's a great place for game stores - the store owners are professional, and...
  10. M

    Sunless Citadel question: opening a can of wyrms..spoilers)

    Ask yourself how other "nearby" dragons, good and evil, would react to one of their kind being sold into slavery. Sure, it's easy to do the heroic thing and fight off an evil dragon, but what do you do when a good dragon (and, hey, to tie this into another thread, the dragon's paladin) shows up...
  11. M

    What type of food do you eat while gaming?

    Most of the time, it's pizza or Chinese for us, since it's what delivers. Sometimes we'll grab something take out from another restaurant, or a fast food place; and rarely one of us will cook something for the whole group. Just this Sunday while we were having a shareholders meeting followed by...
  12. M

    How Do I Get My Players to be More Descriptive?

    Use a cookie. Let spellcaster's spells do a bit more (bonus damage, length, or whatever) if they have a good description. Give a bit of bonus damage or a to hit bonus for a well described attack. Give real XP bonuses for good in character play. Let your players know that you're going to start...