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Recent content by Monsterknuffel

  1. M

    Building my Justicar Grappler

    The Idea: Playing a Goliath Ranger 2/Paladin 2/Monk 2/ Justicar 10 who will concentrate on the Hog Tie Ability. Stats: 15, 15, 16, 16, 10, 11 Ranger 1 Track feat = Prereq and good saves Ranger 2 Combat Stlye melee. But is not that neccessary. I could change this lvl. Could be...
  2. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    The spell normally is concentration up to 1round/level. But the elemental didnt use its full combat abilitys. it made either a full attack, or a move, or a its whirlwind ability. It didn´t combine its abilitys and merely used its spring attack or power attack.
  3. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    I used the 5000 exp part from the Miracle spell to gain the more powerful version of Miracle. Yes it was very funny. "hmm the Solar is k.o, and where is the key ?Where is the gateway entrance ? *search search search search search* :confused:
  4. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    Encounter is over^^ The fight took about 2 and a half hours but brought them to the end of their resources. They made it in 2 runs. The first one: The Solar startet with Miracle -> Timestop and buffs like Sublime Revelry, Spell turning and summon Elemental Monolith (Air). Then it attacked...
  5. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    Solar is very hard indeed. e.g the miracle -> time stop combo (what are 5k exp for a cr 23 creature if it kills the entire evil party and gains as much exp when they are dead. They had an evil epic weapon, but they sold it :/ Blade of Fiery might from the Iron Fortress. I will tell you how...
  6. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    I am awar of the 3.5 CR ^^ I already used Cathezar + summoned Balor The tactic was distracting with the balor (dominating,which didn´t work ) and grabbing Dydds descendant with the Cathezar. => both were killed in about 3 rounds. The Cathezar couldnt reach the descendant because he was well...
  7. M

    Imagin you are a Balor...

    ... and allowed to take 1-2 epic feats, what would you choose ? Normally this would be a problem which is nice to have, but i can´t decide somehow. the only really strong i found was epic spellcasting. but epic spells are... epic... quite to strong for the party now. And it´s the first time i...
  8. M

    Allowing flaws midway

    Hmm interesting. hmm... ^^' In our group the pcs have the choice to make a new character after an adventure (maybe because his actual one is retireing or whatever) or when the Char dies. Ok, they donßt change character after every adventure part, what would be very strange, but if he is totally...
  9. M

    Questions: Charging and obtaining True Strike

    The Cavalier Charger is not used right now, but it will be my next character, so i habe plenty of time to build it.^^ Right now the plans are : Race: Human Classes: Paladin 5 / Fighter 2/ Class 1(dont know right now, maybe 1more pala because of spell and remove disease) / Cavalier 10 Feats...
  10. M

    Questions: Charging and obtaining True Strike

    Hi :) The first Question is about damage when making a charge attack. When i make a charge attack with a lance, i do double damage with it. But which damage is doubled if i have a magic weapon: For Example: The Paladin would have 18 Str and a +1 Charging Collision Lance (charging: While...
  11. M

    [3.5] Help with a "Besieged/Infiltrated City"

    What do you mean with: " I just think it'd be cooler for it to be a surprise to them rather than a hackneyed cut-scene =)" ? I am sure that they will travel back. After they have left the dungeon they will see a city surrounded by a big multicolored globe. Or the Globe appears when they are on...
  12. M

    [3.5] Help with a "Besieged/Infiltrated City"

    Hi :) Short Background: A Death Slaad and his companions, a Succubus and an Orc Leader entered and nearly conquered the City. (some sort of conquering it from the inside) They made the chief of the town guard and the royal guard their slaves. The city is surrounded by some sort of chaotic...
  13. M

    Ideas for a 3.5 FR campaign (new DM)

    Welcome to the dark side of D&D. The DMs side B-) A good article, how to make interesting adventures etc. you can find on the wotc page. Adventure Builder http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ab/20060728a Villain Builder http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/vb/20070323a And the...
  14. M

    [3.5] The Demon Pub

    hmm Bloody Mary´s Pub and Grill sounds very nice ^^ *sorry for double post, i didn´t see the attitudes got edited :/*
  15. M

    [3.5] The Demon Pub

    The holes in the whole Pub: The 1inch wide holes you can see everywhere in the pub are just for the movement of the Black Puddings. They are something like the cleaning staff here. That’s why all the tables/seats/etc. are made of stone. Black Puddings can´t damage stone. The Angel The angel is...