• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Mr Rusty

  1. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Brock "Sounds like a plan" Brock says pocketing the few coppers and retrieving his bow. He moves to the nearest dead body and pulls his arrow out. "They still work" as his face betrays his disgust "But brother, do they smell something terrible." He groans twice as he whisks the dark blood...
  2. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Brock HP 23/24[12], HS 7/8[6], AP 1 Brock dusts himself off and swings his bow over his shoulder. "More to come, I guess" He frowns as he tends to his wound. "If we can, lets leave that pit alone for awhile ok." ooc: short rest. surge: -1, hp+6 17to23.
  3. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War - OOC (Full)

    Happy Holidays to everyone!!! :D:D:D (Oh, and happy new years too.:p)
  4. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Brock HP 17/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1 Brock gathers his bow and preps an arrow. "A little close for my tastes" He frowns. The goblin was a little closer than he expected. It didn't help his ego that he had just been wounded either. He shoots at Kalons target and hits. ooc: minor: gather...
  5. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    "Here we go!" Brock holsters his bow and makes a mad dash for the pit. He leaps for the rope hanging in the center and swings himself across. With a sudden burst of movement he dashes around the nearest corner to hide himself from the goblin archers. ooc: minor: gather bow move: run to pit...
  6. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    "Here piggy, piggy" Brock grins as he claims his prey. His arrow strikes the prone target across the gap. ooc: attack: I4 20vs18, hit. 6dmg. roll
  7. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Brock follows after Kazim. He stops and fires at Kazim's target but his arrow misses badly. "Tricky little devils" He mutters. ooc: move: H4 attack: J3 12vs16,miss. roll
  8. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War - OOC (Full)

    Haha, I was in prison the past few days. And what? I return to find that nothing has changed? To be honest, I'm glad no one could choose which way to go. It made it so I didn't miss anything. (I thought for sure I my mailbox would be full of hate-mail.) :cool::blush:
  9. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    "Here we go." Brock follows in Kazim's footsteps, stopping just a few feet behind him to take aim. He looses a shaft at the grunts standing off to his left but misses badly. "Arrgghh..." He grunts. ooc: move: -B-4, attack: -D-7, miss. roll
  10. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Brock moves toward the lever on the wall. He waits for the moving braziers to return to their original formation, opening the paths to either side. "Lets see if this works? Stand back." He flips the switch. "I favor we try these passage ways that the braziers were blocking." He advises.
  11. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War - OOC (Full)

    Lol. Love the crude update. Made me want to watch American Football. :cool:
  12. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait up!" Brock scrambles over the dead goblins, past the fireballs, and races to catch up with a charging Mognyr. After watching the runaway goblin splatter he stops short to catch his breath. "Well, it certainly was... a warm welcome... eh? Mind if we stop for a...
  13. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    Watching the enemy formation crumble Brock slips next to Horatio and aims to finish the last hob soldier. The hobgoblin falls dead as Brock mubbles "Its not over yet." ooc: move:G5 attack:H1 23vs20, hit 13dmg. roll
  14. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War - OOC (Full)

    Good call. Error fixed.
  15. M

    Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)

    "You little weasel!" Brock shouts to the goblin archer furthest to his left. He slips just past Kazim and unleashes a evasive strike against his target, only to dash backward before his arrow hits home. "I can weasel too." ooc: move:G2 attack:G1, 24vs16 hit 15dmg shiftH3 (encounter...