• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by MrFood!

  1. M

    Pathfinder 1E When will Psionics Unleashed be in the stores?

    I meant to say Psionics Expaned.
  2. M

    Pathfinder 1E When will Psionics Unleashed be in the stores?

    Why isn't Psionics Unleashed in the stores yet? The pdf has been out for over a month.
  3. M

    Forked Thread: The Best D&D edition for me.

    Forked from: The Best D&D edition for me. Do you forbid computers and other electronics at your table because they can be distractions?
  4. M

    Tell me about your D&D group

    26 years Age varies mostly 45+ insurance air frieght 3.5
  5. M

    Simulating D&D4E

    Would you like some"freedom fries" to go along with your" heroic surges"?
  6. M

    Forked Thread: Games that survived first contact...

    Forked from: Games that survived first contact... I misread the topic.I thought it was about games that didn't survive first contact.
  7. M

    How does tracking work in 4th?

    How do rangers track in 4th?
  8. M

    Table rules to use in your game.

    Cell phones on vibrate. No texting. No ipods or hand held gaming devices. Current rulebooks of the game you're playing only. If want read something else go to a different room.