Recent content by MythicParty

  1. M

    Players Roll All the Dice: 11 vs 12?

    Necroing because I've recently learned this & am,also surprised more people haven't/didn't notice. My gaming group is going to be including Defense Checks as part of our 2017 Resolutions and as the person who suggested we do this, getting it right is important. So the TLDR version is that it...
  2. M

    Have you ever played a pacifist character?

    I'm actually playing a pacifist character in a homebew setting called Primordant; the players are a squad in the Army fighting against Bugbears. I based my Cleric off of a real person, Desmond Doss. So he's a pacifist but as a 'battlefield medic' with other skills he's not useless.
  3. M

    Defense Roll

    Also, realize that this thread was originally about Defense Rolls (where, per the DMG, the '10' in AC + 10 can change) & I'm resurrecting it to talk about defense check from UA. Its the same sort of mash-up my group gets when we discuss Hero Points & Action Points, so apologies in advance on...
  4. M

    Defense Roll

    I know this is a Necro, but my group is looking to institute a few new rules for the New Year & the 'defense check' from UA is one of them. However DanMcS said that UA was wrong: instead of an Attack Score being calculated by 11 + enemy’s attack bonus it should be 12 + enemy attack bonus. The...